Rage (Her Monsters Book One) - K.A Knight Page 0,53

from where he’s standing outside a cell door. “Well, you never fucking told me your name. What else do you want me to call you? Sugar tits?”

Grumbling, I sigh. “Dawn, my name is Dawn.”

He smirks at me. “Dawn, I like it. Now, sugar tits, what would your majesty like me to do about this?” He jerks his thumb towards the open slot in the door, allowing you to see inwards.

Pushing past him, I peer inside and try to ignore him when he pushes up behind me, his body hard and filled with power. I can feel the steel running through it and the breath he blows on the back of my head.

Breathing out, I concentrate on what’s inside, not how he feels pushed up behind me. When I spot what he was talking about, I smirk. Well, fucking shit. A bloody wolf is prowling the back of the small, closed in cell. Claw marks line the walls and when it spots me, it growls, throwing itself against the door before retreating again.

“Werewolf?” I ask, beyond happy. It makes sense that they exist too.

“Looks like, it’s feral though. If we let it out it, it will attack us and then I will have to kill her,” he muses, stepping back and letting me move away.

“Feral?” I question.

He eyes me. “Means when a werewolf has given over to their baser instincts. They have let their animal take over. You can’t bring them back, the nicest thing to do is put them down. Now, why don’t you know that? Unless you were raised in the middle of butt fuck nowhere?”

“I’m new to this whole world,” I reply distractedly, frowning at the wolf. Poor woman, they pushed her past her breaking point, forced her to shift into a wolf, probably for the first time, and now they want to put her down for it? No.

“What does that mean?” he growls, and it makes the wolf howl and throw itself at the steel door again, rattling it.

“It means it’s a long fucking story and if you haven’t noticed, sweetheart, I’m kind of busy. Why don’t you go stand in the corner looking all brooding if you aren’t going to help?” I quip before pushing past him and making my way back to the room with BB and the doctor.

When I get there, I see him sweating profusely. “Doc, listen up. The wolf, how do we turn her back?”

“Gi-give me the antidote and I will,” he cries shakily, and I follow his gaze to another syringe waiting on the side.

“Deal, but you tell me how first,” I demand.

“You can’t help her,” Griffin adds, and I throw him a dirty look where he leans against the wall, almost blending in with the dark there.

I grab the syringe, ignoring him, and face the doctor again. “Tell me.”

He must realise he has no options now, and he’s desperate, especially when blood starts to drip from his nose. I raise my eyebrow at that. What the hell was in that vial?

“There’s a convocation, in the left drawer. Labelled Moon. It forces shifters into their form and keeps them trapped there until you administer the vial next to it labelled Bain,” he gasps out, with blood dripping from his mouth. It starts to come from his eyes too, like tears. “Please, please give me the antidote,” he yells, the last word turning into a scream that rattles the room.

Leaning down, I stick it in his neck like I did the first one. Within a few seconds he slumps in the chair. His face is less red and the blood coming from everywhere seems to be slowing down.

I step back and turn to the cupboards, and root around until I find the bottle labeled Bain.

“What are you going to do? Throw it through the slat?” Griffin jokes, but he frowns at the same time. To be honest, I hadn’t even thought about it.

Shrugging, I head back down the hallway until I stand outside the werewolf’s door. “If she bites me, I won’t turn into, one will I?” I ask, curious more than anything. I have enough going on with changing my skin, I don’t need to go full animal mode.

“No, but it can kill certain supes,” he warns. Brilliant. Here goes nothing.

Unlatching the cell, I suck in a deep breath as I prepare to open the door. I can feel Griffin watching, but he doesn’t say anything or offer to help. “You want to do it?” I joke.

“You want to save it,

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