Rage (Her Monsters Book One) - K.A Knight Page 0,52

the scalpel slices through his flesh faster and deeper than I thought.

“Tell me,” I demand and he shakes his head. “BB, pass me that full syringe from the side, will you?” I ask sweetly and he swears, starting to struggle in the chair.

BB turns and passes it over, and I uncap it and hold it to his neck, his pulse jumps there as he freezes again.

“Now, I’m no expert and I don’t know what’s in this syringe, but by the look on your face, you do. One more time, who are you selling them to?”

His eyes dart around the room desperately before coming to rest on me again. “I don’t know, I swear. I was just brought in to test and experiment on their...unique natures, and get them to manifest as fast as possible. I just get them from above and then they’re taken away again. I don’t have any part of it!” he rushes out and I sigh.

“Well, that’s disappointing. I don’t need you then,” I mutter and sigh dramatically.

“No! Wait! I know who will know though!” he screams, watching the needle.

“Who’s that?” I whisper, leaning down so we’re almost touching.

“Marco,” he gasps.

My face twists in a scowl. “That prick, tell me where to find him.”

“You know him?” he asks, looking confused.

“We’ve met, it ended in me being drugged and waking in a cage,” I respond with a laugh.

I hear a growl, and when I look over Griffin is scowling, his hands are clenched into fists at his sides, and murder is written in every line of his body. “Who drugged you?”

Ignoring him, I turn back to the doctor. “Where?”

“I, erm, he owns a club. I know he visits there often. It’s called The Clubhouse,” he gushes.

“Good boy,” I purr, tapping his chest as I straighten. He visibly relaxes so I lunge down and inject him in the neck.

He screams and thrashes in the restraints. “You! You fucking bitch, you’ve fucking killed me!”

Throwing the syringe at the wall, I grin. “Good. Now, stay.”

I look back at BB. “Watch him.”

She nods, throwing a look at Griffin. Turning to face him, I see him still silently fuming. “Who. Drugged. You?” he grits out, his voice deadly. Rolling my eyes, I step past him and pat his shoulder.

“Don’t you worry, I take care of myself, Griffin Sweetheart.” Whistling to myself, I wander over to the glass cages. I ignore the man I can feel prowling after me and gesture for the woman inside to step back. She nods and retreats to press herself against the wall, and her skin changes when she touches it so she blends in with the brick. Cool, a human chameleon.

Winding my fist back, I punch through the glass. It shatters, cracking along the wall before it all falls to the ground in pieces.

“What the fuck? I could have done that!” Griffin yells, rushing to my side and grabbing my hand as he eyes the blood and cut skin. It heals before our eyes, the glass embedded there pushing out and dropping to the floor with a tinkle as the skin heals. He watches it hard before brushing the blood away with his thumb to see the smooth, unblemished skin.

“I don’t need you to, like I said, I can take care of myself. Now, if you want to help go and open the other cells.” I pull back my hand and try to ignore the tingle his touch ignited. I could feel his touch throughout my whole body and that was only from him holding my hand. My blood is burning, pulsing again, wanting him like it wants Nos, but I step away and ignore it. Turning my back on him, I give the other glass cell the same treatment. Both women stay inside, watching us warily.

I step back and hold my hands out to the sides. “I don’t want to hurt you, you’re free. If you go out of the door at the end and up the stairs, you can go wherever you want. I would advise not going back to your normal life though, since they might find you. If you need any help, there’s a shelter run by someone I trust just down the road.” I rattle off the address and with another look at me, they both spring from their cells and race down the hallway and through the busted open basement door.

“Woman, come here!” Griffin yells from down there.

“Woman? Are you fucking serious?” I fume, stomping over to him.

He looks down at me

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