Rage (Her Monsters Book One) - K.A Knight Page 0,51

woman I didn’t notice before turns with a roar, pointing a gun at me. Her hand doesn’t wobble at all, and when I sniff I realise she is human.

“Don’t fucking come closer, I will shoot you scum!” she shouts, and when I hear a muffled yell I look behind her to see a doctor strapped into what looks like an operating chair with a gag over his mouth as he stares at me wide-eyed.

I look back at the woman and frown until I realise she thinks I’m part of the guards, probably due to all the black I’m wearing.

“Don’t point your toy at me sheep, not when you stand between me and my mate,” I sneer and she scowls, before glancing at the woman still changing on the floor and back to me.

“We’ll wait until she’s finished, and if she doesn’t know you, you’re dead,” she shouts, her voice sure. When she looked at the changing mate of mine, she didn’t even flinch or seem surprised. So she has seen it before, yet the dirt, blood, and lack of clothing on her shows her as one of the humans’ captured women. How long has my mate been here?

If any of these sheep touched my mate, hurt her, experimented on her, I will burn them all to the ground before ripping out their souls.

I stand casually with the gun aimed at me, my eyes locked on my mate, as all of us wait for her to ride it out. Eventually, the writhing and noises stop, and she’s slumped against the floor, breathing heavily. Long, blonde hair obscures her face from me.

She’s still and the sheep looks from me to her, obviously nervous until my mate groans and starts to push herself up.

“Fucking hell, that bastard hurt. Seriously, growing a cock is fun and all, but when it goes back up, not so much,” my mate moans, getting to her knees with a sigh. She has a grimace on her face as she looks at the human woman before she follows her gun to me. Her mouth pops open, and those eyes of hers are still black from her change as she watches me.

“Name’s Griffin, sweetheart,” I taunt, my asshole side coming out. I never wanted a mate, yet here she kneels, and she is fucking beautiful and powerful. It shrouds around her until I’m almost choking on it.

She gets to her feet and ignoring me completely, she turns back to the man in the chair. “Well, Griffin Sweetheart, why don’t you make yourself fucking useful and go and open the cells if you’re here to help. If not, get the fuck out before BB here shoots you or I rip you to pieces.” With that, she grabs a scalpel and grins at the human male who visibly cowers before her.

“Now, where were we?” she purrs, the sound sending a bolt of lust straight to my already hard cock.

Ignoring the newcomer, Griffin, I smile down at the doctor. That change really took a lot out of me, I think it was because of how long I held that form. I’m almost sagging from exhaustion, my body is obviously burnt out, but I can’t let them see that. Especially Griffin, since something tells me he’s watching me very carefully. It doesn’t help that I can’t tell what he is. He isn’t human, that’s for sure, but he doesn’t feel like Nos. He’s hot as hell though, and my tired lady bits even perked up when I saw him. That attitude is a huge turn off though, so I ignore him and concentrate on what I came down here to do—the faster I do it, the faster I can leave to rest.

BB, with wary eyes still flickering between the doctor and Griffin, comes to stand on the opposite side of the chair.

“Now, you were going to tell me who you’re selling the women to. Weren’t you?” I say softly, leaning closer with the scalpel and running it lightly across his cheek. He flinches to the side before freezing, his eyes staring at me as he breathes around the gag. “If I take this gag out and the first words out of your mouth are not the address or name, I will cut you. Understood?”

He breathes faster as I cut away the gag, his mouth moving hard as he swallows. “Fuck you,” he spits out and I grin.

“I was hoping you would say that.” Darting forward, I cut his cheek and he cries out as

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