Rage (Her Monsters Book One) - K.A Knight Page 0,50

and chuck it down the hall as her and the other woman gasp and fall back with a scream. Rolling my eyes, I open the door and stride in. “You should be more careful who you trust, never drop your weapon unless you are a hundred percent sure,” I order, trying to impart some wisdom on the sheep.

“Where are the rest?” I ask, when no one replies to me. They dart a look at each other nervously while I look around at the twenty empty cages behind them. I notice a dead body of a naked male in one and it piques my interest as I glance back at the sheep, who might not be as stupid as they look.

“She, I don’t know her name, was brought in last night. She-she attacked one of the guards and, erm, then she changed into him?” the one who held the gun says, her voice shaking, but I can smell the truth in her words. Interesting, a skinwalker? Here? What are these humans up to?

“Yeah, then she got us all out but she killed two guards on the way and the others got suspicious, so she stuck us here and went below with another girl to try and get the freaks out,” another rushes out, nodding emphatically.

“Freaks? Below?” I query.

“The humans, they erm, they hurt us and if any sort of...freakiness or otherness comes out, they take us down below to experiment or kill us, I don’t know. If we don’t show any signs, they sell us after they’ve had their fun.”

I rub my head then hold my hand up to stop their nervous chattering. “Okay, she went below? There are others down there, other women with powers that your slavers are selling?” When they nod, I growl out, “To who?”

They back away slightly, cringing at my obvious power and I sigh. I need to remember they are innocent and have been hurt by males, but my tolerance and patience are wearing thin. This was supposed to be an easy job, and a skinwalker complicates things. As does the fact humans here know about supes and seem to be selling them.

“We don’t know, they will below,” the original woman who held the gun answers, and I nod and turn away, intending to leave.

“Hey, what about us? She told us to stay here,” she cries.

“You can leave, everyone outside this door is dead,” I reply, as I sweep through the door and head to the one at the end of the hallway.

They don’t move for a while, but eventually I hear them cry out before they rush from the room and away from me. Sheep.

There’s another hand scanner at this door, and with a roll of my eyes, I disable it the same way I did the other one. The door unlocks with a click and I barge it open. Stairs lead down, and I jump over the railing and land on the landing at the bottom outside—yes, you guessed it—another locked door. Whatever they are doing down here makes them very paranoid.

Forgoing the scanner, I decide to just kick this door open. Something tugs deep inside me, making me growl as I raise my leg and bust open the door. It flies inwards, smashing into the wall. I expect to hear yelling or screaming, but other than the siren going, which started when they first saw me, it’s deadly silent.

The tugging comes again, and I grit my teeth as I follow it into the basement. It’s dark and smells horrible down here. Wrinkling my nose I peer at the doors as I pass. I can sense movements behind a few but I’ll come back. First, I need to find out why the tugging of my mate is leading me farther into this human slaver’s basement.

The hallway opens up into a large circular room with computers and other shit in the middle. Two glass cages sit on either side and when I look in, the two women are too busy looking at the other side of the room to notice me. Their eyes are locked on something beyond.

Circling around, I gape at what I find.

There, on the floor, writhing, her body flickering between man and woman, is my mate.

Her mouth is open in a silent scream, and her bones are stretching and snapping with a wet-sounding, pained noise. Like a ghost is superimposed over the man’s body, I can see her true form flickering in and out of view.

The change.

My mate is a skinwalker.


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