Rage (Her Monsters Book One) - K.A Knight Page 0,136

his shoulder.

He kisses my hair and relaxes against me as we run our eyes over the club. “I say we call it a bust,” he mutters and I sigh, leaning away.

Nibbling on my lower lip, I think. “Let me try one more thing. If it doesn’t work then we will come back or come up with another idea,” I offer, and they both nod.

“What do you want to try, Little Monster?” Nos asks.

Smiling, I kiss them both before climbing over Griffin and slipping from the booth. “If I tell you, I will have to kill you,” I joke, before turning around to face the club, as their eyes burn holes in my back.

I had watched the coming and goings in the club, and I had seen men streaming from a hidden door next to the bar all night. I had thought nothing of it until I caught a peek inside when I went to the toilet and saw an office. I’m betting we might be able to find some information in there about Victor. Or catch his attention at least.

While I stride across the club, I head straight for the door. Confidence is key, if you act like you belong, no one will question it. The door isn’t even guarded, looking back at Nos and Griffin with a grin I slip inside, shutting the door behind me.

I was right—it’s an office.

The left wall is made of windows looking out into the club, but you obviously can’t see in since the other side looks like mirrors. A sofa is backed against the wall on the right with a small mini bar next to it, and a lamp and a side table.

A large desk is against the wall opposite the door with floor to ceiling bookcases covering the wall behind it. A laptop sits on the desk, but other than that this place is pretty bare. I’m betting they are hiding information in here somewhere. Even a hint would help us.

Deciding to get right to it, I head over to the desk and sit in the chair, wiggling the mousepad on the laptop to bring wake it. It comes up needing a password. Of course.

Rolling my eyes, I turn away knowing I won’t be able to guess whatever password they use. I’m just opening the top drawer when the door opens. Shooting to my feet, I relax when Griffin and Nos come in and shut the door behind them.

“This is your idea?” Griffin asks.

I sit back in the chair and start rooting around in the drawer. “If Victor comes here, then there will be some kind of hint or sign, start looking,” I suggest, distracted.

The drawer is filled with nothing but stationary and some money. Sliding it shut, I open the bottom one and grin when I see all the files in there. Pulling them out randomly, I spread them on the desk and start looking through. Nos comes to my side and helps while Griffin heads to the bookcase and starts searching.

Pulling out more files, on what looks like an investigation and suspension of employees regarding money loss from the club, I freeze when I hear voices outside. Shoving the files away, I stand up quickly, and all three of us position ourselves before the desk as the door blows inward and the men crowded there take us in.

One man steps forward and the others follow him in. “What are you doing in here?” he asks, and from the black uniform, I’m guessing he’s a security bodyguard.

“Looking for Victor, know him?” I counter bluntly, leaning back against the desk.

Laughter goes through the crowd of men as the first man watches me hard. I wait casually and the group splits down the middle, then another man steps forward. Some of the men circle us, going to our back and I have to choose between keeping them in my eyeline or watching the man in the middle. I chose the latter, my shoulders tensing from having them at my back.

“You have been looking for me?” comes a harsh, deep voice from the doorway. Turning, I spot the middle-age man with a scarred up face surrounded by bodyguards. I hear the men moving behind me and I force myself not to react as something covers my face and I’m pushed to my knees. I hear either Nos or Griffin growl and I know they are going to cause a fight.

“Let them.” I order, I feel them hesitate before relenting.

Two bangs sound beside me and

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