Rage (Her Monsters Book One) - K.A Knight Page 0,137

I know they have done the same to Nos and Griffin. “Don’t react,” I order quietly, knowing they are both about to spring into action. “It’s what we wanted,” I finish.

“If we are going to whisper, whisper loud enough for us all to hear,” comes a snarl above me. “Now, little girl, why are you looking for me?” he asks.

“I have information.” I shrug casually, the bag blocking my vision completely. Straining, I try to see through it, but it’s no use.

“Information?” The man laughs and the other men in the room chuckle.

“Money has been disappearing, no? Well, I know who it is. You let me talk and I think we can make a deal,” I say loudly and the laughter cuts off. I feel the tension in the room.

“If you are lying, I will kill you all,” he threatens casually, and I shrug again.

“Of course, I would expect no less,” I reply.

He snorts before moving away. “Tie their hands, take them out back.” He turns back around. “We will take you somewhere else to speak.” With that, I hear him sweep from the room as my hands are bound in front of my body with wire. I test the limits and I find that although tight, I can move my hands, and if I really wanted to, I could break free. That isn’t the plan though. I need to speak to Victor, so good little captive I will play.

“Where are you taking us?” Griffin snarls, obviously sick of the silence and lack of control. We are still tied and covered in hoods after being deposited in a car of some kind and lying all together in the back as we are driven away from the club.

“Somewhere quieter, you wished to speak to Victor, did you not?” he growls.

“Yes,” I reply, kicking Griffin to shut him up.

“Then be quiet,” he orders, and we all shut up.

I concentrate on the turns we take and the length of the drive. We drive for over thirty minutes with ten left turns and fifteen right turns, before going off road at some point, if the bouncing and noise of the wheels is anything to go by.

The men in the car are professionals and don’t speak, so I can’t glean any information from them. Suddenly we stop, and the car doors open and slam shut before we are pulled from the back and forced to walk over what feels like gravel.

Stumbling a little, I hold myself upright and keep walking. Soon the ground under our feet changes into carpet as we are directed inside somewhere. From the smell of the air and the cool temperature, it’s a big space, and we are pulled directly to what sounds like an elevator.

When we are pushed inside and we start moving up, I know I was right. It bings and we are pulled out again, yanked down a corridor before the sound of an opening door reaches us.

It’s warmer inside the room we are pushed into, and smells like blossoms on a spring day. A man’s hand pushes down on my shoulder and I fall back into something soft. A chair of some kind. From the scuffling around me, my men are pushed down as well, and when their thighs meet mine on either side, the tingling lets me know it’s them.

The hood is pulled away and I blink to adjust my eyes against the light before they widen in shock. I take in the woman sitting across from me, casually watching us as she sips from a tumbler filled with orange liquid.

“Victor?” I ask, clearing my throat after not talking for a long time.

She raises her glass and a sarcastic smile curls her perfectly painted red lips. “Surprise, though, I suppose you could call me Victoria. Now, what can I do for you?” she inquires.

Victor...is a woman?

“From the surprise on your face, I’m guessing you were expecting a man?” she muses, leaning forward and dropping her now empty glass on the table in front of her. She’s wearing a suit, a black jacket and trousers, but has no shirt on underneath and long pointy heels on her feet. She’s beautiful, in a deadly looking way. Her eyes are cold and calculating, and I’m betting she is a lot smarter than people think. I also wager people underestimate her a lot. Her hair is cut short, a blonde bob, which only accentuates her model worthy face and body. She looks like she should be gracing the covers of

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