Rage (Her Monsters Book One) - K.A Knight Page 0,135

around the room. Glossy black, with stage lights surrounding it, and a red curtain behind it, it looks like an old burlesque club. Tables litter the club with booths raised to the left and right. Next to the entrance I’m standing at is a curved bar with what looks like mirrors and lights across the back of it.

Women in corsets and skirts, even a sexy suit, walk around serving, but so do half dressed men. The music is sultry, and apart from the servers and the man on stage, no one is dancing. They are drinking and enjoying the show. Moving through the opening, I spot the house band to the back of the stage as the song changes to some smooth jazz and a girl in a red dress climbs up on the stage and takes a bow.

“Nice place,” Griffin comments and I nod. “I’ll go left and listen for any signs of Victor. You two try and blend in,” he murmurs, dropping a kiss on my lips before blending into the hustle and bustle. I blink hard, trying to see him, but it’s like he just disappeared. I’m concentrating so hard that I jump when a hand lands on my waist. Looking over at Nos, I smile and he grins.

“Come on, Little Monster, let’s get you a drink,” he says, whispering into my ear before he leads me to the right and a free booth along the side wall.

Sliding into the black, cushioned leather seat, I throw my legs over Nos’ lap and look across the club. I search for anyone I recognize or any signs of Tim’s people. I don’t know what Victor looks like, but I’m guessing he would be surrounded by men. When I don’t spot anyone like that I sigh and sit back—maybe he isn’t here yet.

“What can I get you?” comes a deep, smooth masculine voice.

Dragging my gaze from the club beyond to the server waiting at my table, I notice a white pad held in one hand. He’s wearing nothing but a waistcoat and some skintight leather pants.

“Vodka, straight.” I grin and he winks at me, writing down my order as he turns his attention to Nos.

“And for you, handsome?” he asks, running his eyes across Nos appreciatively. I can’t blame him.

“Rum.” Nos nods, his eyes going back to me.

The man writes it down and bows before leaving us alone. Nos leans in and plays with a strand of my hair. “You really are breathtaking, do you know that, Little Monster? This place could be packed, people fighting for attention, and all I would see is you. Always you. Effortlessly amazing,” he whispers, leaning in. Tilting my head to give him better access, I groan when he kisses down my throat.

My eyes flutter shut, and when I open them again, they clash with Griffin’s from where he stands against the bar, with a drink in hand. I watch his eyes heat as he takes us in before he salutes me with his drink and disappears into the crowd again.

“What are we going to do if Victor doesn’t come here tonight?” I ask, and he lifts his head as drinks are placed on our table with a flourish.

Leaning back, he keeps his hand on my legs as he sips his rum. His eyes constantly scanning the club, yet he looks completely at ease. “We keep coming back, or we go to your husband and push him for information. Either or, we have options, Little Monster, do not fear.”

“You’re right.” I grin before grabbing my vodka and knocking it back, signalling to a passing waiter to bring me another. The burn warms me, and usually after a few of these I would be drunk as hell, but ever since the whole dying thing it seems to take a lot more for a buzz to even start, and I haven’t tried getting completely drunk yet.

We sit there for a while, watching the club and talking. More drinks flow and before I know it, I’m leaning back into Nos. “How long have we been here?” I inquire, getting frustrated. I should have known this wouldn’t have been easy.

“Three hours,” Griffin huffs, sliding into the booth next to me and squishing me closer to Nos.

“Anything?” I ask hopefully, and he shakes his head, throwing back my latest shot of vodka and leaning back.

“Nothing. Not even a whisper. Either he doesn’t come here or he’s a fucking secret,” he grumbles and I lean over, placing my head on

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