Rage (Her Monsters Book One) - K.A Knight Page 0,134

will return the favour. Stay safe,” I say.

“You too, old friend. I wish you the best of luck Nos’ mate,” he teases, before cutting off the call.

“Do I want to know?” She winks and I shake my head.

“Come on, Little Monster. We need to get ready to go to your human club.” I stand up and offer her my hand. She leans over and kisses Griffin softly before letting me pull her to her feet.

Fae, wolves, humans...what else? How many people will go missing before we figure out what is going on?

“You look beautiful,” I murmur, kissing her bare shoulder softly.

Resting my head on her shoulder, I smile at her in the mirror. The short, red dress she is wearing clings to her curves, making my mouth dry up, and I want to fling her on the bed and fuck her until she screams. Cut low in the front and back, it shows off her pale skin and ends just above her knee.

The sharp stilettos she is wearing boosts her height and she told me with a rueful smile that they double as a weapon. “Why red?” I ask, kissing her silky skin.

“It doesn’t show blood as bad.” She grins, winking at me through the mirror and making me laugh.

“Such a little monster,” I reply, licking up her shoulder, making her shiver in delight and lean farther back into me.

The red of her outfit contrasts against the white of my shirt and the black of my pants. My shirt buttons are loosely done, and when she had looked at me and licked her lips, I knew I was going to be walking around with a hard cock all night. She said she looked like the devil to my angel. I told her that her angel is downstairs, but he isn’t pure.

As if my thoughts summon him, the door bursts open, and the shadows of the stairs cling to him like a lover. “You fucking ready yet?” he snaps, but there is no real heat behind the words. Whatever happened at that meeting or after has shifted their relationship. At least now I don’t have to kill him.

He looks at her from head to toe and gulps before turning pained eyes on me, and I just smirk, feeling the exact same way. He’s in all black, like normal. A tight black shirt clings to his chest, and it is buttoned all the way to the top, tucked into black leather pants and boots.

She sighs, moving away from me until she can run her finger down his chest. “Hmm, you both look good enough to eat. Should have gone with red though, it’s going to show the blood,” she murmurs, caressing his chest.

His hands drop to her ass and pull her close. “I don’t bother hiding the blood,” he responds, watching her.

She laughs and looks back at me with a twinkle in her eyes. “Not a surprise. Come on, we better go before I decide to ignore our plans and fuck you both now.”

With that declaration she drops a chaste kiss on his cheek and sweeps from the room, leaving us both watching after her.

“Fucking vasuclo,” he groans, reaching down and rearranging himself.

Laughing, I follow after her with a grumbling fallen on my heels.

From the outside, the club looks like a low rent strip club, but when we approach the door and pay the cover charge, we are searched for weapons. I’m not sure how Griffin conceals his or where, but they don’t find any on him, and when I look over at him with a raised eyebrow he winks.

We are waved inside by the vigilant bodyguards, and from the tats on their arms I’m guessing they are ex-military. Maybe even mercs. I know Tim associated with some and they meant business.

Stairs leading up and down greet us once we are through the door, and deciding to pick at random, I go down with Nos and Griffin close on my heels. I can feel the music pumping through the floor, and when we reach the bottom step, a glass partition runs along the right wall, separating the stairs from the club down here.

Running my finger along the frosted glass, I stop when we reach the opening, my eyebrow rising in shock. It isn’t what I was expecting at all, I was looking for poles and scantily clad women and lots of Victor’s men, but this...this is something else altogether.

A raised stage sits in the middle of the space with two walkways leading

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