Queen Of Sins - Stephanie Hudson Page 0,81

from me and back to a safe place,” I told him, making Keira sigh,

“Good God, it's worse than Dynasty… maybe even EastEnders with a bit of Midsomer Murders thrown in… of course it would help if they had some Supernatural soap opera on Netflix that could wrap this up all in one,” Keira muttered about things we had no idea about. However, Draven directed his gaze back to my brother and said,

“So, he is also the son of the Devil, and what about you, did you also know this?” Dom said, now looking at his father who had remained quietly watching this whole time.

“Son, there are many things my friend Lucifer does that you do not know about, yet one of them is common knowledge.”

“And that is?!” Dom snapped.

“His quest for the perfect being. Yes, I knew there were others, yet I did believe that it ended with Lucius,” Asmodeus said in an easy tone.

“Dariush was created shortly after me, but that is his story to tell, not mine.”

“And will he tell it?” Dom asked seriously, and I couldn’t’ help but grin at my brother’s reply, knowing it was coming.

“Fuck no and not a chance,” Dariush said firmly, and truth be known, my brother had told no one of his past, not even I. Of course, I admit to being curious, but then knowing of my own past life’s mistakes, then I knew that a person’s story was his own. And often, if it is not a story you want to tell, there is good reason behind the secrets you keep. Because sometimes it was one so horrific it was better to be left in the darkness of someone’s mind, than opened up and released to the world.

After all, knowledge was power, and that was being proven now more than ever. For my own history had come back to bite me in the ass in a way that could end my life. A woman’s love scorned so badly that she was willing to eradicate all vampire life in her need for revenge. A brother whose hatred for our father ran so deep that he too despised all life that came after he was cast out by his creator’s hand. A loathing that passed on to Dariush and I, for simply existing, for our only crime against him was that we lived. But that was the power of hatred, and what I had come to learn was the very essence that fuelled Matthias. But it was in this rage where his failure lay, for he let it consume him, even with his dying breath and admittedly, was the reason he was not the son Lucifer was hoping to create.

“So am I right in saying that the family revelations are to continue, for I doubt this is the brother you intend to kill,” Dom said, pointing out the obvious after my statement made only moments ago, one Keira had obviously forgotten.

“Oh my God, don’t tell me you’ve got another brother!” Keira shouted, as if this ‘supernatural soap opera’ of hers was getting more complicated by the second, when in truth, she had no idea just how much worse it could get.

“Matthias is our brother.”

“Oh shit… and I thought I had it bad with my cousin, Hilary.” Keira muttered, making Dom glance down at her with grin before his attention came back to me.

“And I take it this is yet another one of Lucifer’s failed attempts?”

“It is, and a very bitter one at that.”

“Yeah, I will say! I mean okay, I get it, be pissed at daddy for what he did but genocide and killing off an entire race? I mean what is he… the supernatural version of Hitler?! Jeez, don’t you guys ever consider therapy or in your case, family counselling?” Keira said, making me laugh before I once again encouraged them to sit so I could replay to them what I had just discovered for myself.

After all, there was much more to tell and once I was finished with the history of Matthias, I knew the next family bombshell would have to drop when Keira asked,

“And what about this witch, is she like his wife or something?” I tensed at this, and heard Dariush mutter next to me,

“Yeah, good luck with that one, brother.” This was when I released a deep breath and said,

“No, she is not his wife…” Then, after rubbing a hand across half my face and closing my eyes a second, I finished that sentence and waited for

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