Queen Of Sins - Stephanie Hudson Page 0,80

a sigh, and knew the time had come for keeping Dariush unknown from the world was at an end. But, out of respect, I looked to my brother and silently asked for his approval. Then when he granted me a nod, I continued with the truth.

“Do not be angry at your wife’s good intentions, for it was my wish that Dariush not be known,” I said, nodding down to Keira who was unsurprisingly biting her lip as was her habit when nervous.

“And I gathered this was something she discovered back in Persia?” Dom said, making Keira frown.

“I’m right here, you know, and am perfectly capable of answering…” At this point, Dom covered her mouth with his large hand and then whispered down at her,

“Quiet, little Vixen.” I swear the angry look she tried to give her husband in return was about as threatening as a damn puppy and had me holding back a smirk.

“Yes, it was back in Persia.”

“I see, and the reason you kept knowledge of him from me for so long?” he asked before clenching his jaw and making a vein there jump, telling me he was pissed. But then, this was understandable because, before there was Adam, Dom had been the closest thing I had to a friend. But now the time had come to reveal all, starting with the beginning. Of course, Dom knew how I had come to be, but he was surprised when he discovered it was Dariush who was told where to find me by the Devil. I then explained his payment for this was to be turned after me, which Lucifer delivered on and hence how Dariush was reborn.

“Dariush could create portals at a mere thought, and we believed this useful to keep to ourselves should it be needed. I didn’t exactly trust you when we first met, and you know why.” Keira looked at her husband at this and he just said,

“You don’t know everything, sweetheart.” Needless to say, she didn’t look impressed.

“In short, Keira Girl, your husband basically handed me my ass in front of his throne and came close to killing me, which was when I discovered that my power of will could be exerted over more than just my own kind and that of humans. And it was lucky I did or that blade would have sliced through my neck that day,” I told her, making her gasp before turning an accusing look to Dom.

“You tried to kill him?” she then shouted in outrage.

“Yes, well the cocky bastard wasn't exactly someone who endeared himself to me the first moment we met.” I laughed at Dom’s reply.

“And when you say didn't endear himself, what exactly does that translate to?” Keira asked in a knowing tone. Dom folded his arms across his chest and said,

“The bastard walked into my throne room, killed a load of my guards and then demanded that I… what was it again you said…?”

“I think I said something along the lines of, you would be lucky to have me as your second in command or if you're not up to it, I could just take your throne… something to that effect.” At this, Keira’s eyes grew wide as if she too was remembering how Draven used to be back then, before commenting wryly,

“Yep, that would do it.”

“Of course, the moment I was able to stop that blade of his from slicing into my neck was when he realised that I had been right, he would have been lucky to have me,” I added, making Dom scoff,

“And still the same cocky bastard you were that day.” At this I smirked.

“I thought you said the first time you ever used power over his mind was after World War Two?” Keira asked with a frown.

“She doesn't forget a thing, does she?” I commented to Dom, who shrugged his shoulders and told me,

“Rarely.” Then he turned to look at his confused wife and said,

“That time doesn’t really count, considering for a brief second it was like trying to push my blade into the walls of Tartarus instead of his arrogant neck.” This time I did scoff a laugh before he continued.

“But in that fleeting moment, I knew I would have been far better having him as an ally, than I would an enemy, and wouldn't you know it, years later this was proven correct.”

“Yes, and now here we are, with me claiming your daughter who I intend to marry as soon as I can get her ass to stop running

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