Queen Of Sins - Stephanie Hudson Page 0,82

the fallout…

“She’s mine.”


Swallowing Sorrow

“What the fuck!?” Keira cursed, which was unlike her. But then given the circumstances, it wasn’t surprising.

“Come again?” was Dom’s stunned reply, making Keira look side on at him and say,

“Really, that's all you've got?!” Dom raised a brow down at his wife, making her shout louder this time,

“He’s got a bloody wife!” Dom then gave her a wry look and said,

“I have known him for over 2000 years and never seen him with a wife, which is why I believe there is more to this story, sweetheart.” At this, she crossed her arms over her chest and made another good point.

“You also didn't know he had a brother but hey, look, Draven, there he is.”

“Yes, and something, I may add, I would have known sooner had my own wife thought to tell me!” he snapped back, making her throw her hands up dramatically and say,

“Erm, hello, you’ve known him for over two thousand years and me for thirty, be mad at him!” At this he knocked the spindled table that stood between them out of his way and dragged her seat closer, as the bell landed with an echoing chime,

“Yes, and I don’t take Lucius to my bed every night and fuck him senseless, Vixen.”

“Thank fuck for that,” I muttered, making Keira shoot me an evil glare.

“Yeah, well, that won’t be happening for a while if you carry on being mad at me!” she threw back, making him growl and warn,

“Oh, we will see about that, heart of mine!”

“You know we could leave and just let the married couple argue it out, as I am not sure anyone would notice at this point,” Dariush muttered, making Keira point a finger at him and say,

“You’re going nowhere, Portal Man!” At this, Dariush held up his hands and said,

“I don’t see a cape, but hey, your husband looks plenty capable of ripping my head off, so call me whatever you want, but can I point out that we don’t exactly have time for this.”

“I second that,” I added, making Keira snap,

“You would, Mr Married to a Psycho!” I would have argued my own point when the double doors we had entered through opened and a long line of naked waitresses painted like gold statues walked in, in single file. Each carried a silver tray in front of them and as they drew closer, I could see that their breasts had been tied with golden rope. This was to make them swell and stick out in a firm way, as they still managed to walk with grace. A feat not easily managed considering that same length of rope had been used in between their legs to spread the lips of their sex wide open and on show.

“Oh, you have got to be…” Keira muttered as she covered her face with both her hands, and I could see she was getting more crimson by the second. Of course, it didn’t help that each came to stand between us and lowered the platter at the same time. One that held a colourful array of sex toys, which included everything from rubber cocks ranging in size, cuffs, chains, clamps, and butt plugs. In other words, there was only one horny little Imp that I knew would have found a party like this appropriate, no matter the time.

“I guess I now know what the bells do,” Keira said, still muttering shamefully into her arm.

“This isn’t fucking helpful, old man,” Dom said with a growl of annoyance to his father, who was running a finger down the length of a cock as if getting ready to choose one for his next victim. This was also when my patience hit its limit, as I stood and demanded in a demonic voice,

“LEAVE, WOMEN!” At this, all the waitresses looked startled and to their master who nodded and with a wave of his hand, they all started running. Something that didn’t look easy on their high heeled shoes that looked more like a punishment than just fetish footwear.

“Well, that was one way to do it,” Keira said, after raising her heated face and checking she was safe to do so. As for Dom, I was happy when he got straight back to the matter at hand, reminding me,

“I have sent word to have my council and whoever else will aid us in this upcoming battle. As you know amassing our armies will take longer than this conversation, Lucius,” Dom finished, and it was as he said, this

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