Queen Of Sins - Stephanie Hudson Page 0,114

demons. As for Jared Cerberus and his council of Hellbeasts, he too was making headway through the packs of Hellhounds. Someone new was leading the Hellhounds and controlling them. I had never seen him before and I got a glimpse of him, now coming head to head with Jared himself.

I wanted to be down there charging into battle and taking on as many of our enemies as possible, but right now I knew there was only one enemy standing in my way, and until the very last breath had left my body, then I would fight him until I had crushed his black dark heart in my fist!

Dom and I landed in the part of Tartarus that used to hold the temple of the Titans. But because everything in the land had shifted when Mount Tartarus had fallen, it could not be seen in the rubble. This was why Matthias didn't know where the gateway was anymore, and we were the only ones with that knowledge, for I remember Amelia telling me that this had been one of the things that Matthias had demanded to know from her when she was captured by the harpies. I had believed it pointless at the time, seeing as there was no way to bring back the Titans, for they were long gone. But I had underestimated him, and so had our father.

“Any ideas?” Dom asked,

“MATTHIAS, COME AND FIGHT ME!” I bellowed in rage.

“That would do it,” he responded dryly when he heard the furious roar of my brother in response. Then suddenly he appeared behind the formation of rocks that I gathered had once been the temple entranceway. He was not at all like I remembered but then, that had been when I believed him to be merely a mortal. However, I could already tell the power he had gained, for he was at least seven foot tall and now wore a demonic amour like most warriors of Hell.

“Ah, but we meet at last, for I confess I have dreamed of this day for over 2000 years,” Matthias said with his demonic voice echoing.

“Funny that, because I only knew I had an asshole brother not long ago and really didn’t give a shit about your existence,” I replied in a dull tone, knowing that this would get to his ego.

“Yes, well as much as I would enjoy fighting you, I have two people here that would probably enjoy it more. Ladies, if you please.” At this, Keira seemed to come out of nowhere, and started attacking her husband with a ferocity of the likes I had never seen from her before. One kick and he was on his ass, sliding along the floor. It was as if she had been consumed by rage, and that was when I realised that his control over the souls now fuelled them with hatred and the darker parts of his own soul.

But unfortunately, I didn’t watch him getting his ass kicked for long, as I had my own Hellcat to deal with. Something that started when she walked up to Matthias, and curled herself into his side, as he draped his arm around her. Then he grinned at me with a knowing smirk that I wanted to rip off his face.

Because that’s when I knew that my nightmare was quickly coming true, and Amelia had indeed fallen under his control.

“Why, how rude of me, let me introduce you to…”

“My Queen of Sins.”


All’s Fair in Love and Death

I had to say that when I finally came to rescue Amelia, I was not expecting to find her as a Hellcat Princess intent on kicking my ass, and fuck me, she was strong! I thought her powers would have increased, and unfortunately this was proven right when she fired balls of energy my way. Thankfully, these had been off target by quite a lot, giving me enough time to get out of the way. Which meant, she may have been strong but, thankfully, she had a shit aim.

As for Keira, she too was giving Dom more than just a hard time. Of course, this was made even more difficult seeing as the two of us didn't exactly want to fight back, and every move we made was done just to survive. It was in one moment that I found myself thrown back by the force of Amelia’s kick, and landed close to Dom when he too had found himself with his face in the dirt.

“Was this what you had in

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