Protecting His Mistress - Evangeline Anderson Page 0,64

to stroke her Goddess pearl.

Lilli bit her lip to stifle a moan but he could feel her loosening up around him, losing some of the tension that had frozen her to the spot the moment her mother’s voice had crackled through the room.

“No, I’ve already had breakfast,” her mother replied. “But I must leave for business soon and I wanted to give you instructions for while I’m gone.”

“G-gone?” Lilli asked, her voice a bit breathless. “Where…where are you going?”

“I must go to the far side of the planet to deal with some Dream Gas mining issues,” her mother replied. “I’ll be gone most of the week.”

“Did…did you want me to go with you?” Lilli managed to get out. She was getting close—Karn could tell. But she wasn’t asking him to stop stroking her clit or thrusting gently into her pussy. In fact, she was working her hips to catch his rhythm, helping him get deeper into her with every thrust.

“No, you’d only be in the way,” her mother said heartlessly. “You must stay here and behave yourself. You may have some friends over if you like, but no wild parties!”

“Y-yes, Mother. I mean, no,” Lilli panted. “No wild parties, I promise.”

Karn frowned. Her mother really didn’t know her at all. Lilli was the last person to invite a bunch of friends over for a wild time. She’d probably be happy to stay quietly at home, just the two of them.

“All right, good,” her mother snapped. “And I’ll be back the night before you go to Opulex to be certain you have your second quick-grow shot. You’ll be staying at the Luxx by the way—it’s the finest hotel in the entire city.”

“Yes…all right!” Lilli’s answer came out in a moan. “Have…have a good trip,” she somehow added.

“Are you all right?” Her mother’s voice was sharp. “You sound as though you’re getting a cold or something.”

“I’m…I’m fine,” Lilli gasped. As a matter of fact, she was more than fine, as Karn knew intimately. He could feel her tight little pussy squeezing around his shaft as he pumped even more of his seed deep in her sweet depths. She was coming as hard as possible—it was a wonder she could carry on a conversation at all.

“That’s right, baby,” Karn murmured in her ear. “That’s right—come on my cock. Come while I pump you full of my cream!”

Lilli bit her lip fiercely and he could tell she was trying not to cry out even as she clenched around him.

“Very well then,” her mother said. “I’m off. And remember—no wild parties!”

“No…no parties,” Lilli agreed but before she could say any more, the com box clicked off and her words dissolved into a moan of pure pleasure.


The rest of the week was what Karn had heard humans on Earth call a “honeymoon.” They spent every day together, not as Mistress and bodyslave but as male and female—as lovers.

They read and watched vids together and swam in Lilli’s mother’s oversized anti-grav swimming pool where the water floated in mid-air and moving through it was more like flying than actually swimming. They ordered whatever they wanted for every meal—Lilli preferred plainer, more down-to-Earth food than the fancy and complicated Yonnite fare—and ate at the table together or sometimes just had the food brought up to her apartments so they could picnic together in her sitting room.

They didn’t stay indoors all the time, however. Sometimes they took a hovercar and went hiking in the countryside. The parts of Yonnie Six that hadn’t been strip mined for Dream Gas were actually quite beautiful and the weather was temperate—neither too hot or too cold.

And in between all these activities, they made love constantly. Well…in a way, anyway. Lilli still felt guilty about letting Karn actually “fuck” her, but she loved having his shaft inside her, grinding deep in her pussy and filling her with his seed. She claimed that the tingling caused by the first quick-grow hormone shot had gotten worse and she needed either his tongue or his shaft between her legs almost constantly to ease the sexual ache it caused.

Karn was happy to oblige her and he often thought it was damn lucky he was a Hybrid. If he hadn’t been, he surely would have made her pregnant a dozen times over, considering how often he shot his seed inside her.

He still had a difficult time keeping himself from trying to bond her. Though he knew it was impossible, his body insisted otherwise and every time he sank his Copyright 2016 - 2024