Protecting His Mistress - Evangeline Anderson Page 0,63

in her pussy. Karn was worried she wouldn’t be comfortable, but Lilli protested whenever he tried to draw out. She liked having him in her, she said. Liked feeling him coming inside her—which he did several more times before they finally drifted off to sleep—though he didn’t repeat the deep fucking motions he had made earlier.

It didn’t matter if he was technically “fucking” her or not—it took every bit of Karn’s willpower not to thrust a little deeper and slide his mating fist into her hungry pussy while he sank his fangs into her neck at the same time. He had the strong urge to try and bond her to him—an urge he’d never felt with any other female—but he knew he couldn’t give in to it.

For one thing, the odds that he would be able to bond Lilli to him were about a thousand to one—if not more. And a failed bonding was painful. The other thing that stopped him was the fact that she was a Mistress of Yonnie Six. She had her own life to live here and she probably wouldn’t be pleased to learn that her bodyslave was a Kindred spy who was planning to leave her at the end of the week, after he finished his mission.

The thought of leaving her made his heart fist in his chest but Karn tried to push the feeling away. He was a professional, he told himself. He’d been on countless missions for the Espionage Corps and he’d never allowed himself to get so close to a mark before. He had to ignore the deep protectiveness he felt towards the curvy little female, had to root out the feelings of tenderness and desire that had somehow taken hold and grown within him.

But not tonight, Karn told himself as he cradled her small, soft body close to his. For tonight I’m just going to hold her and care for her. Tomorrow I’ll start cutting off my feelings. Tomorrow is soon enough…


But when tomorrow came, he woke up with his shaft still lodged halfway in her tight, warm pussy and the sweet scent of her hair and skin in his nose.

“Morning, baby,” he murmured in her ear.

“Good morning, Karn.” Lilli sighed and pressed back against him, taking the rest of his rigid shaft inside her to the hilt. “Mmm, you feel so good in me,” she murmured. “How many times did you fill me with your cream?”

“Think I lost count,” Karn growled softly. “Though I think it’s safe to say it might get pretty messy when I do finally pull out.”

“Then don’t pull out.” Lilli turned her face up towards his and gave him a warm, sleepy, lustful smile. “Grind in me a little more, why don’t you? Maybe give me a creamy pussy one more time before we get up.”

“Mmm, nothing would give me greater pleasure, baby,” he murmured. Slowly, he began making the shallow grinding motions that Lilli had deemed to be “not fucking” the night before inside her. Gods, she felt good inside! So tight and wet and welcoming as though she couldn’t get enough of his cock filling her pussy…

“Oh, Karn!” she moaned, throwing her head back against his shoulder as he filled her. “Oh Goddess, that feels so good!”

Just then the com box above her bed crackled to life.

“Lilliana!” Her mother’s voice was sharp. “Whatever are you doing still in bed?” she demanded.

Lilli froze against him and Karn felt her small body turn to ice in his hands. He frowned worriedly—he hated to see the effect her mother hand on Lilli. She was so cold, so cruelly disapproving of almost everything Lilli did. And it hurt his heart to see how badly Lilli took her mother’s cutting criticism—it seemed to shatter her self-confidence and reduce her happiness to ashes every time.

Well, not this time, he thought to himself with sudden determination.

“It’s all right, baby,” he murmured in Lilli’s little pink ear. “She can’t see you and she can’t hurt you if you don’t let her. Just answer her calmly and you’ll be okay.”

He saw Lilli flick her eyes in his direction and then she nodded.

“I…I was just tired from the excitement last night, Mother,” she called back, speaking to the com box. “Do…do you want me down for breakfast?”

“That’s right—that’s good,” Karn murmured to her. He pulled his shaft out just a little way and then stroked back into her wet pussy as he spoke. At the same time, he reached between her legs and began Copyright 2016 - 2024