Protecting His Mistress - Evangeline Anderson Page 0,62

of her channel. “Do…do you really want to?”

“Do I want to come in you? Hell yes, baby,” he growled. “The question is, do you want me to? Do you want me to give you a creamy pussy and fill you up with my seed?”

“Oh, Karn!” Lilli wiggled restlessly against him. “I…I know I shouldn’t want it because it’s naughty and wrong but I can’t help it—my pussy almost feels thirsty for your cream. Only…” She bit her lip and stilled against him.

“Only what, baby?” he urged gently, running his fingers lightly over her tight nipples to make her squirm some more.

“Only, would you have to…have to fuck me in order to make that happen? In order to come in me?” Lilli asked uncertainly. “Because I know that would be wrong and I shouldn’t let you do it.”

“So you don’t mind me sliding my cock deep into your soft little pussy and filling you with my seed as long as I don’t thrust in and out of you while I do it?” Karn murmured questioningly.

“I know it sounds silly but, well, it just feels like…like a line we shouldn’t cross,” Lilli whispered.

“Hmm…well, all right.” Karn kissed her cheek gently. “Then let’s define fucking. For instance, is it any movement in or out at all? Like the way you’ve been wiggling and ‘adjusting’ yourself on me?”

“No,” Lilli said, biting her lip. “No, I don’t…don’t think that counts.”

“Okay, well how about shallow thrusts like this?” Karn drew out about an inch and then thrust back in, grinding deep inside her and making Lilli moan with helpless pleasure. “Is that fucking?” he growled softly in her ear. “Or is it just grinding? Just pressing a little deeper to get all the way inside you?”

“Ohh!” Lilli gasped as his massive cock filled her to the limit. “No, that…that’s okay too, I think,” she whispered breathlessly. “I…I think you could do that, Karn. If…if you wanted to.”

“Just trying to set some limits, baby,” he rumbled. “So if you shifting around on me isn’t fucking and me grinding deep inside you isn’t fucking, then what about this?”

Lifting her leg, he pulled back until all but the head of his cock was outside of her pussy and then thrust forward again in one long, hard stroke. Then he pulled back and did it again…and again…

“Tell me, baby,” he growled in her ear as he pounded inside her. “Is this what you mean by fucking?”

“Yes!” Lilli moaned, though she didn’t try to stop him as his thick shaft opened her again and again, the head of his cock giving the mouth of her womb a rough, delicious kiss with every deep inward thrust. . “Yes, Karn! Goddess, yes—now you’re…you’re fucking me! Fucking me so deep and hard!”

He stopped as suddenly as he had started with a final deep thrust that seated his shaft all the way to the hilt inside her pussy. Only the thick ridge of his mating fist remained outside her filled channel.

“Good to know, baby,” he rumbled. “Now that I know what you consider fucking, I won’t do it again unless you ask me to.”

“Oh, Karn…” she gasped breathlessly. “That felt so…it was…”

“It was fucking,” he growled. “And this is coming.”

Lilli felt the thick shaft inside her flex and grow even harder for a moment. And then something hot and wet spurted against the mouth of her womb, making her moan and gasp at the strange new sensation.

“This is me coming in you, baby,” Karn growled hoarsely. As he spoke, one hand left Lilli’s breasts and traveled downward. She moaned helplessly again as she felt his long fingers part her pussy lips and slip into her slick folds to caress her aching clit. “This is me filling you up with my cream,” Karn told her as he stroked around and around her tender button and continued to shoot inside her. “Can you feel it? Can you feel me coming in you? And can you come for me too while I give you a creamy pussy?”

“Ahhh!” Lilli gasped, arching her back, trying to be more open for him. “Yes, Karn,” she tried to say but the words got lost in a moan as another orgasm rolled over her in a warm wave of pleasure. It was deeper this time, maybe because her pussy was filled with his cock as he made her come. But for whatever reason, Lilli thought she’d never felt anything like it…and she never wanted it to end.


They slept with his cock lodged firmly Copyright 2016 - 2024