Protecting His Mistress - Evangeline Anderson Page 0,65

shaft deep in her pussy and came, he had the urge to thrust even deeper, to let his mating his fill her and to bite her and inject his essence at the same time. Only knowing that a failed bonding would hurt her held him back, because more and more, he wanted to keep the curvy little female with him forever.

Karn struggled with his feelings for Lilli. Should he tell her the truth about himself and ask if she wanted to come away from Yonnie Six and live with him on the Mother Ship? But how could he do that when he couldn’t bond her to him? And how could he ask her to give up a life of wealth and ease to move to a small suite, only a little bigger than her bedroom apartments? The suites aboard the Mother Ship were comfortable and well-appointed with bathing pools and a fireplace in every suite, but they weren’t as luxurious as the mansion Lilli was currently living in.

He still wasn’t sure what to do when he spoke to Commander Sylvan and arranged the transfer of information about the Nightwalker Kindred later that week.

“We’ll be staying at the Luxx—the most expensive hotel in Opulex,” he told Sylvan, late one night after Lilli was asleep and he had gone into the sitting room alone to make contact with the Mother Ship.

“Excellent.” Sylvan’s head nodded on the 3-D holo projection. “We’ll get a suite for the Councilor I’m sending to defend the Nightwalker in the Yonnite courts. You can ‘meet’ her in the lobby and hand her the drive with the information.”

“I’ll say something like, ‘Excuse me, Mistress, I believe you dropped this,” Karn agreed, nodding.

“Perfect,” Sylvan said. “And then we’ll have a transport standing by, waiting to take you right back to the Mother Ship. All you have to do is make an excuse to go outside and we’ll take you directly home.”

Karn frowned. “Ah, Commander, I don’t think I can do that. I mean, I can’t leave right away once the mission is completed.”

Sylvan shook his head.

“I don’t understand—why not?”


Karn tried to think how to explain it. How could he tell his commanding officer that he had allowed himself to fall in love with his Mistress? He couldn’t, he decided. It would make him sound fucking unprofessional.

“I have…some obligations I have to attend to,” he said, thinking of how he’d promised to go with Lilli to the conception center for moral support.

“All right. Then when do you want extraction?” Sylvan asked, frowning.

“Can I let you know?” Karn asked. “There are some loose ends that need to be tied up here and I’m not sure how long it will take.”

“See that it doesn’t take too long, Commander Karn,” Sylvan said, his frown deepening. “You’re one of our best operatives and I don’t like leaving you in such a vulnerable position for any longer than I have to.”

“I’ll get things tied up as quickly as I can,” Karn promised. “I’ll message you with my device as soon as I’m ready for extraction.”

“Just be careful,” Sylvan warned him. “You know you’re in hostile territory there, Commander. If the Yonnites found out you were more than just a bodyslave or that the pain collar you’re wearing is a fake—”

“Karn, who are you talking to?”

Karn tapped the spy device on his nail quickly to end the conversation and turned to see Lilli standing in the doorway, yawning sleepily.

“I woke up and you were gone and then I thought I heard you talking to someone,” she said, rubbing her eyes.

“Just watching a vid,” Karn said easily, getting up from the couch where he’d been sitting. He was pretty sure she hadn’t seen the tiny holo of Commander Sylvan—if she had, she’d be a hell of a lot more upset.

“Well, I miss you.” Lilli yawned again. “Will you come to bed and hold me? I feel so lonely without you. Lonely and…and tingly,” she added, looking up at him from under her thick lashes.

Karn felt his heart and his cock throb at the same time. How was it that this curvy little female had gotten under his skin so quickly? How was it that he wanted her so much that he would delay extraction from a dangerous assignment just to spend a little more time with her?

“Tingly, hmmm?” he murmured, walking over to cup one breast in his palm and thumb the tight pink nipple lightly. “And what can I do to help you with that problem, little Copyright 2016 - 2024