Protecting His Mistress - Evangeline Anderson Page 0,5

collar on. She stroked the small, finger-sized remote carefully, being very certain not to press the big red pain button at its center. The pain collar should keep her safe. Only somehow, she had the strong feeling she didn’t need to be kept safe from the big Kindred. As huge and as scary-looking as he could be when he was snarling or posing, as he had on the platform, he didn’t seem like he would hurt her.

You think that now, Lilli, whispered a little voice in her head. But what will you think when you have him alone and it’s just the two of you. You know what Mother said—you’re to be responsible for him. And you know she expects you to jump right in and not be shy or “shilly-shally” as she calls it when you drag your feet. You’ll have to at least pretend you know what you’re doing—especially when Mother’s friends and their daughters come over.

Which unfortunately, was going to be tonight—which was one reason Mother had been in such a hurry to buy her a bodyslave.

“We’ll be hosting some of the most important women in all of Opulex,” she’d lectured when Lilli had protested that she didn’t need a bodyslave just yet and would rather not have one. “You must be on your best behavior and you must have a bodyslave. What will our guests think if you don’t?”

Mother herself had five bodyslaves—she’d had six but then she had sent poor Ragnor to work the mines, just because he’d been unable to make his shaft hard before a dinner party one night. Lilli had cried when she’d heard that. Ragnor had always been sweet to her when her mother made her monthly visits to the convent. He used to play dolls with her, even though he was a huge, hulking male, almost—but not quite—as big as her new Kindred.

I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone as big as him—as big as Karn, Lilli thought, glancing at him in the rear-viewer again. This time he winked at her and she found herself blushing as she hastily looked away. Then she berated herself—this would never do—she must not be seen blushing around her own bodyslave. Her mother would be scandalized, especially if it happened out in public or when they had company.

“…are you going to wear tonight?” Lady Mirabella’s strident voice disrupted Lilli’s thoughts.

“What?” She looked up at her mother quickly, putting her hands to her cheeks instinctively to hide the blush. Her face felt hot under her hands and she hoped her mother wouldn’t notice.

“Honestly, Lilliana—where are you tonight? I’ve already asked you twice—what are you going to wear at our little reception tonight?” Lady Mirabella repeated impatiently. “I think your new gauzy green outfit would look lovely.”

Lilli bit her lip. The “green outfit” was sheer up top and showed her nipples. Of course, dressing to accentuate your sexual assets was a Yonnite tradition and she knew she ought to get used to it. But back at the convent, she’d never worn anything see-through or low-cut or remotely suggestive. She wondered if she would ever get used to dressing as she had to for life in Yonnite society.

She had little choice, of course. Now that Mother was a member of the Sacred Seven, there were an endless number of balls and soirees and receptions where she had to be dressed up. So as uncomfortable as it made her feel, she still had to wear the outfits she was given.

“I guess…guess the green will be all right,” she said tentatively.

Mistress Mirabella snorted impatiently.

“All right? All right? Lilli, you’ve got to look better than all right! This dinner is to honor you—your coming of age and formally becoming my heir. Several other members of the Sacred Seven will be there—as will your friends—their daughters.”

Lilli thought again about pointing out how those girls were not her friends. All of them had been raised in Opulex, instead of being sent off to a convent to be raised. They were used to the opulent Yonnite lifestyle which included a devotion to fashion and a constant desire to one-up all your friends and enemies.

The meaning in such a life eluded Lilli, who had been raised to view simplicity, frugality, and modesty as the greatest good by the Sisters of Chastity and Honor.

She honestly didn’t understand wanting to always be better than everyone else—to have the biggest buildings, the most credit, the most expensive clothes, the most ostentatious jewels, and the most impressive bodyslave. Copyright 2016 - 2024