Protecting His Mistress - Evangeline Anderson Page 0,6

What was the point of all that, anyway? Material things didn’t make you happy—having inner peace did.

But of course, she couldn’t say such things to her mother. Lady Mirabella would be shocked and horrified to hear such thoughts. She had been born into opulent wealth and had amassed still more of it as she grew older. Influence and power ran in her blood and she would be very upset if she thought they didn’t run in Lilli’s blood as well.

In fact, she might well disown me, Lilli thought grimly. After all, she didn’t care enough to raise me herself. She always said she was too busy to have a child underfoot and that’s why she paid the Sisters to raise me instead.

She would have to do a credible job of acting like her mother’s daughter tonight at the banquet, she told herself. Her mother wasn’t one to suffer fools gladly and she would be unmerciful if Lilli embarrassed her.

I’ll do my best, Lilli thought. Having such a big, impressive bodyslave should help.

She caught the Kindred’s eyes once more and held them for as long as she could before dropping her own. How could he stare at her so steadily like that? And why did it make her heart pound when he did?

Lilli didn’t have any answers. She only knew that her new bodyslave was something different—something special. She hoped he would help her make a good showing tonight.

But first, of course, she would have to get him ready.


“Give him a good washing,” Lady Mirabella directed sternly when she and Lilli and the big Kindred slave were all standing in the entryway to Lilli’s rooms. “Scrub him from top to bottom, Lilliana. You must get the stink of that market off him before our little soiree tonight.”

Actually, Lilli didn’t think the big Kindred stunk at all. To her, he smelled good—a warm, spicy, masculine scent that seemed to awaken her senses and make her want to get closer to him. But she couldn’t say that to her Mother—Lady Mirabella expected her to wash her new bodyslave and so wash him she must. But there was one question on her mind.

“Must…must I wash him everywhere, Mother?” she asked, her eyes flicking down to his massive shaft. It was no longer hard, as it had been after she touched it at the slave market. But it was still immensely long and thick and rather intimidating, Lilli thought.

“You mean his shaft?” Lady Mirabella snorted. “Why should that bother you? You seemed eager enough to handle it back at the market.”

Lilli felt her cheeks get hot.

“I…I was just curious, that’s all,” she said in a low voice. “But I never thought…I mean…couldn’t he wash that part himself?”

“Look, Lilliana…” Her mother gave Lilli a stern frown. “Until you have a new bodyslave trained to your liking, you must handle him often. He has to get used to your hands on his body—he must submit to your touch without any kind of hesitation or flinching. Did you see the way he twitched away from me when I touched his shaft?”

Actually, Lilli hadn’t noticed that. She’d been too busy feeling sorry for the big Kindred, who’d had a stony look on his face, as though he didn’t really enjoy being stimulated. Of course for her, it had been a different story—he had come alive at once under her touch.

Which was kind of what she was afraid of. What if he got hard again, when she washed him? Would that be proper? And what if he spilled his seed?

She didn’t know much about that—but she’d seen it in the porno vid one of her friends at the convent had smuggled in after a visit home. The Sisters had found the vid of course, and confiscated it. Then all visits home had been cancelled for a whole six months as punishment for everyone who had watched it.

Most of the girls had been devastated but not Lilli, since she never got to go home anyway. In fact, she hadn’t seen home—her mother’s home on the outskirts of Opulex, which was located at the very top of the huge building her mother owned—until a week before, when her mother had come to get her.

“…so you must do a thorough job. Do you understand?” Lady Mirabella demanded.

Lilli’s thoughts had been wandering but now she snapped back to attention.

“Yes, Mother,” she said quickly, though she wasn’t exactly sure what she’d just agreed to do.

“Good. Now, look here.”

Her mother took the pain collar remote and Copyright 2016 - 2024