Protecting His Mistress - Evangeline Anderson Page 0,4


“Please?” Lilli begged. “I think I can do it.”

Mistress Mirabella shrugged.

“Well, he is supposed to be your bodyslave—if we buy him,” she remarked. “So I suppose you ought to learn how to care for him. Go on, Lilli—give him a try. But mind you, if he won’t rise for your touch, we’ll have to find another. We can’t have a male we can’t display when we go out.”

“Yes, Mother,” Lilli murmured, but her eyes were on Karn’s again. “Can I?” she asked him, reaching one small hand towards his shaft.

“Don’t be ridiculous, you don’t ask a bodyslave if you can touch him, Lilliana—you just touch him!” Mistress Mirabella exclaimed.

But Lilli’s small hand hovered in place and didn’t move until Karn gave her a slight nod.

Slowly, tentatively, she stroked her fingers lightly down his length. It was a soft, ticklish touch, but Karn felt it like flames licking over his skin.

At once, blood began to rush to his shaft and he felt himself begin to harden. He had a moment of relief—when Mistress Mirabella had been yanking on him, he’d wondered for a moment if his equipment was broken. The relief was followed by a burst of pure lust as Lilli’s soft little hand came back to stroke him again, more fully this time.

“Oh,” she whispered. “He’s so big.”

“A very good length and girth.” Mistress Mirabella admitted grudgingly. “Another Kindred trait, of course.”

“What’s that, though?” Lilli asked.

Looking down, Karn saw she was pointing at his mating fist—the thick swelling that went all around the base of his shaft. It was from his Beast Kindred side, as the fangs were from the Blood Kindred part of his family.

“My mating fist, Little Mistress,” he said, answering her question since Mistress Tikka clearly had no idea. “It proclaims the Beast Kindred part of my heritage as my fangs proclaim the Blood Kindred part.”

Lady Mirabella frowned.

“It’s most unsightly! And you never told me he was a half-breed, Tikka.”

“No, it’s not!” Lilli objected, frowning at her mother. “It’s part of him, Mother. And I don’t care if he’s a half-breed—I want him!”

“Those eyes, though…” Mistress Mirabella shook her head. “One blue and one gold? So strange…”

“I like his eyes,” Lilli insisted. “I think they’re beautiful.”

“Well…he’s going to be your responsibility,” her mother warned. “You’ll have to bathe him and train him and see that he’s fed. And if your friends laugh at his unusual physique, it will be too late to take him back.”

“I don’t care what any of them think.” Lilli frowned. “They’re not really my friends—they’re just the daughters of your friends, Mother. I never met any of them before last week when you brought me home from the convent.”

“Well…” Mistress Mirabella sighed. “Just as you please, I suppose,” she said. She looked at Mistress Tikka. “How much? We’ll take him.”


Lilli wished she could ride in the back of the ship with her new bodyslave but her mother had said that was “inappropriate” so she had to be content to sit in the front and just catch glimpses of him in the rear-viewer.

Every time the big Kindred caught her watching him, he looked right back at her with an unwavering gaze. Lilli tried to hold his eyes with her own, but she found she couldn’t meet the intensity of his gaze for long and had to look away.

Deep down, she knew this wasn’t proper. A bodyslave wasn’t supposed to look a Mistress in the face. A well-trained one would look down at the ground when addressing a superior female and never, ever look her in the eyes. But Lilli found she liked the boldness of his stare and the way he dared to look at her right in the face. It was like a secret between them—a naughty little mystery that only she could solve.

When her Mother—who normally only visited her at the convent where she had been raised once a month—had come and told Lilli it was time for her to come home to Yonnie Six, she had been worried. And when Lady Mirabella further informed her daughter that she would also be getting her first bodyslave, she was terrified.

But she didn’t feel terrified now, she thought, catching the big Kindred’s mismatched eyes in the rear-viewer once more and then looking quickly away. She felt…intrigued. Interested…curious. Excited, even. Though why she should feel all these positive emotions when she had just purchased the most enormous male she’d ever seen, Lilli didn’t know.

Shouldn’t she be frightened of him? Oh, certainly he had a pain Copyright 2016 - 2024