Protecting His Mistress - Evangeline Anderson Page 0,26

“It’s a long way back to Opulex and I must get up early tomorrow for a meeting.”

“Yes, Mother.” Priss flounced over, her arms crossed over her nearly non-existent breasts, a scowl still on her face. “I’m ready,” she announced. “Let’s get out of here!”

“All right.” Lady Tempertant frowned. “But where’s your latest bodyslave? The one that cost me so much at the Flesh Bazaar?”

H’rare, of course, was nowhere in sight because Lilli had sent him away with Karn. She’d thought it was best if the two of them were out of the way for just this reason.

“I lost him,” Priss said shortly.

“Lost him?” Lady Tempertant’s eyebrows—which were as purple as her hair—lifted incredulously. “What—do you mean he’s run away?”

“If so, I’m certain we can find him,” Mistress Mirabella said quickly. “I’ll have my catcher-bots deployed at once!”

“He didn’t run away,” Priss snapped. “Lilliana won him from me. She asked if we could do a seed-shooting contest with our bodyslaves as prizes.”

This was such a bald-faced lie that Lilli found herself speechless for a moment. Unfortunately, her mother always had something to say.

“Lilliana!” she exclaimed, rounding on her. “How dare you suggest playing games of chance with your guests? Don’t you know how rude it is to take away another Mistress’s bodyslave?”

“I…but I…” Lilli began helplessly.

“Oh, I don’t really mind,” Priss cut in. “Besides, I felt sorry for Lilliana, so I let her win.”

“You felt sorry for her?” Mistress Tempertant frowned at her daughter. “What are you talking about, young lady?”

“Well, I felt sorry for her because she’s the only one of us girls who isn’t expecting,” Priss explained. A cruel smile curved her lips. “She was just saying how she so wanted to be in fashion and have her heir early, so she didn’t have to worry about it later.”

“I never—” Lilli began indignantly but once again she was cut off.

“Oh, poor dear! It truly is a shame she’s so behind the times.” Lady Tempertant clucked her tongue disapprovingly. “Tell me, Mirabella, is there some medical reason she can’t have a quick-grow heir like the other girls?”

“Oh no—certainly not!” Lilli’s mother exclaimed. “It’s just that she hasn’t been here long—I only picked her up from the convent last week and brought her home. And I didn’t realize—”

“That having an heir early was the fashion now? Ah, such a pity.” Lady Tempertant shook her bushy purple head. “But that’s what happens when you live outside of Opulex—fashions change so rapidly and it’s easy to fall behind.”

“Lilliana is not behind,” Lady Mirabella said quickly. “Why, I have plans to take her to the conception center by the end of this week!”

“Then you’ll want her to start taking the quick-grow shots now,” Lady Tempertant advised. “I’ll tell you what—I have an extra quick-grow kit out in my hovercraft. I was going to give it to Lady Toodleoo for her daughter when I saw her next, but I can send my servant out for another one to give to her later.”

“Oh, really?” Lady Mirabella clasped her hands between her breasts. “Thank you, my dear Mistress Tempertant! That’s so kind of you!”

“Not at all…” Lady Tempertant waved a hand dismissively. “After all, you’re part of the Sacred Seven now—we can’t have you or your daughter looking less than fashionable, now can we?”

“The next time you see us, Lilli will be expecting her heir,” Lady Mirabella promised, much to Lilli’s horror.

“Excellent.” Lady Tempertant nodded. “Let me send my bodyslave to get the kit—ah, here he is already. Excellent, Yorn!” she said to her bodyslave, who had broad shoulders and shaggy black hair. “He’s so good at anticipating my needs,” she told Lilli’s mother. “I swear I haven’t even considered sending him to the mines more than once or twice since I’ve had him.”

She took the kit from her bodyslave’s hands—it looked like a miniature black briefcase, Lilli thought numbly—and opened it. Inside were two long, silver syringes with wickedly sharp multi-needles. They were filled with a bright green formula that looked poisonous.

“Now, you’ll want to give her one in the evening about a week before she goes to the conception center and one the night right before she goes,” she instructed. “Of course, there are a few side effects.”

“Side…side effects?” Lilli finally managed to get out through lips that felt as dry as dust.

“Oh my, yes! There’s quite a strong ovulatory response. It made my Priss rather grumpy, don’t you know?” Lady Tempertant giggled. “But of course that’s necessary in order to get the womb ready Copyright 2016 - 2024