Protecting His Mistress - Evangeline Anderson Page 0,25

me once he finishes.”

“That’s not going to happen,” Lilli said, lifting her chin. “Come on, Karn—show them what you can do,” she said.

“As my Mistress wishes,” he growled. “Take me in your hand again and let me prove my worth.”


Gods, Lilli’s soft little hand on him felt good! Karn willingly submitted to her slender fingers curling around his shaft again. He had no fears about losing the contest. All Kindred males were multi-orgasmic and he produced more seed than most. So when Lilli began to stroke him again, he pumped his hips and fucked into her delicate hand with confidence and pleasure.

He could feel her behind him, her full, plump breasts—bare except for the sheer top she wore, pressed against his back. The sensation made him remember sucking her ripe pink nipples into his mouth which made him even harder. Gods, if only he could lick her lower too! If only he could press his face between her legs and kiss and lick her ripe little pussy…

The thought of tasting her got him off almost as much as her soft little hand stroking him. With a low groan, Karn came for a second time—this time making sure his seed splattered on the marble floor of the balcony, not a foot from H’rare’s offering.

He willed himself to keep it up, drawing out his orgasm with thoughts of kissing and licking Lilli’s pussy as she continued to stroke him. Pumping into her hand, he imagined he was coming inside her, filling her up, making her his as he bonded the two of them together forever…

That was impossible, of course—only a fantasy. As a Hybrid, he couldn’t bond a female to him. But just thinking of making Lilli his forever made him come over and over, the seed jetting out of the tip of his cock and forming a large, silvery puddle beside the small splatter of the other bodyslave’s seed.

At last he finished coming, though his shaft still didn’t go down.

He stood, panting a little beside Lilli. His little Mistress had stopped stroking him, though she still hadn’t moved her hand from his shaft. She seemed to like the feel of him, Karn thought as she continued to cup him loosely.

“Wow,” Yulla remarked, taking a step forward to look down at the puddle of seed. “That’s amazing! I’ve never seen a male shoot that much!”

“Us, either!” Bodie and Beelie came up for a look as well.

“Well, I guess you finally lost, Priss,” Bodie remarked.

“Which means that H’rare now belongs to Lilliana—right?” Beelie asked.

Priss’s thin lips had narrowed down to an invisible line in her face and her blue eyes were flashing.

“Fine,” she said at last, glaring at Lilli. “You win—this time. H’rare!” she bellowed at her bodyslave who came to stand beside her quickly.

“Yes, Mistress?” he asked uncertainly.

“Well, I’m not your Mistress anymore, am I you idiot!” Priss screamed in his face “Go on—get away from me!” She threw his stay-hard band at his face but H’rare ducked and it sailed over the balcony.

Quickly, he ran to stand behind Lilli and Karn.

“I’m tired of this,” Priss abruptly announced. “I’m going inside.”

She turned and flounced back through the golden double doors in a huff.

“We’d better go too!” Beelie and Bodi and Yulla and their bodyslaves all hurried in after her.

Lilli sagged in relief and then realized she was still touching Karn intimately.

She pulled her hand reluctantly away and looked up at him.

“You did it,” she murmured, smiling. “You beat him.”

“Couldn’t have done it without you, little Mistress,” he growled, smiling. “Come on, let’s go back in before she gets up to any more mischief.”


Priss was in a terrible mood once they got back inside but there was clearly nothing she could do about it. H’rare wasn’t hers anymore, so she couldn’t take out her ire on her former bodyslave. She was reduced to slamming her cup on the table and clattering her utensils loudly against her platinum plate. She remained mute and refused to talk, which meant the other girls at the table were reluctant to speak as well, since she was clearly the leader of their little band.

Lilli carried on the conversation as well as she could, making small talk and asking questions but getting only monosyllabic answers from the others. She was immensely relieved when her mother and the other Mistresses rose from their table at last and began getting ready to go.

“Come, Priss,” Mistress Tempertant called as they left the banquet hall and began gathering their things in the entryway. Copyright 2016 - 2024