Protecting His Mistress - Evangeline Anderson Page 0,27

for implantation by whatever sperm you pick. And it makes the process at the conception center so much easier.”

“It does?” Lady Mirabella frowned.

“Well, you know how large those conception injectors are. Why they can’t modify them to be a bit more manageable, I really don’t know.”

“You certainly have a point, there.” Lilli’s mother nodded sagely. “So how do the shots help?”

“Why, by the time the chemical cocktail in these finishes working on them, all the girls are just dying for the conception injection!” Lady Tempertant tapped the silver and glass syringes in the case meaningfully with one sharp fingernail. “Priss even insisted on going back twice—just to be certain the process had taken, of course,” she added.

“Mother!” Priss glared at her. “That’s private.”

“Sorry, my pet, but you can’t deny it’s true. The quick-grow formula is really quite strong,” Mistress Tempertant remarked.

“Yes, it is.” Priss’s frown was abruptly replaced by a thin, crafty smile. “Mother, don’t you think it would be better if you showed Mistress Mirabella how to give the injection? After all, didn’t she say that Lilliana is scheduled at the conception center in a week? So wouldn’t tonight be the best time to give her the first shot?”

“Well, you know, I do believe you’re right, my dear.” Lady Tempertant turned to Lilli’s mother. “Would you like me to show you?”

“Yes, indeed—please do!” Mistress Mirabella nodded eagerly.

“Very well. Now, it goes in the inner thigh…”

And Lady Tempertant plucked one of the syringes out of the box and came towards Lilli.


Up until that moment, Lilli had been held in a kind of trance—frozen in place by the awful things being said. She kept thinking to herself that the other women could talk all they wanted but the minute everyone left she was going to tell her mother she didn’t feel ready to have a baby yet. Why, she had only just come of age herself! She had no wish to suddenly get pregnant!

But now, with Lady Tempertant bearing down on her with that awful syringe and its multi-needle spikes leaking bright green fluid, she found it was too late.

“Stop!” She turned to her mother belatedly. “Mother, wait—can’t we talk about this?”

“What’s there to talk about, Lilliana?” her mother snapped. “Mistress Tempertant has graciously offered to give you your first injection. Now hold still and take it!”

“But I don’t want it!” Lilli protested wildly, still backing away. She wished desperately that she hadn’t sent Karn away. She was certain the big Kindred would have had her back. But she was all alone, with no one to help her. What was she going to do?”

“Is this a problem?” Lady Tempertant frowned. “Does your daughter not wish to be in style?”

“Oh, she’s just scared of needles—that’s all!” Lilli’s mother said quickly. “H’urk—Tonlor—hold her!”

Two of her mother’s hulking bodyslaves came quickly to grab Lilli by her arms. She struggled but there was no helping it—they were so much stronger than her and they obeyed her mother without question.

“Please!” she begged, feeling tears sting her eyes. Her throat felt thick and her heart was pounding. “Mother, please—I don’t want this!”

“Hush, Lilliana and don’t be a baby!” her mother scolded angrily. “It’ll be over in a moment!”

Lilli choked back a sob—there was no help here. Above all things, her mother hated to be out of fashion. And since they lived outside of Opulex, falling behind the times and being thought of as a “country bumpkin” was her greatest fear.

Bending down, Lady Tempertant pressed the wickedly sharp end of the multi-needle to the inside of Lilli’s thigh. Lilli gasped as she felt the bite of a thousand tiny pricks as the metal spikes sank into her flesh. The next moment she had a painful itching sensation as the burning liquid invaded her flesh.

“No!” she cried but it was more of a moan.

It was too late—the deed had been done and she’d been injected with the awful quick-grow hormone stuff. Who knew what would happen to her now?

“There—see? All done,” Lady Tempertant straightened up briskly and put the first syringe back in the case. “And you only need one more on the night before you go to the conception center. Before you know it, you’ll have a baby bump just like my Priss.”

She smiled at her daughter who nodded and smiled back. Then she turned her smile on Lilli and it became a smug sneer.

“Enjoy getting impregnated, Lilliana,” she purred. “I’m sure you’ll find it very entertaining. Oh, and tell H’rare if I ever see him again, I’ll Copyright 2016 - 2024