Play With Fire - Sheridan Anne Page 0,94

cost not only our team a great deal but the community too.

The tension in the room was like nothing I’ve ever experienced before, but somehow we’re all lucky enough to have walked out of there still holding on to our jobs. The worst part was that I didn’t even have it in me to listen to what they were saying as I’d been anxious all morning, waiting to hear from the hospital about my baby.

How the fuck could she think it was okay getting herself that out of control, and how fucking long has she been doing this? Right now, I can’t even allow my thoughts to go there. There’s no way that any of this will turn out alright. I’ve failed to protect my baby already.

This is my fault. She did this because of me.

“Here we go,” I sigh, throwing open the door of my truck and getting out before I start heading inside. The girls are still at my mom’s place. She called me after hearing what happened at work. Small town gossip, got to love that.

My brother had called worried, wondering if I needed him to start heading back home. But Mom declined and offered to keep our girls another night, making life so much easier. They were having a great time with Ashlee, having tea parties, and playing dress-up. They didn’t even think twice when asked if they wanted to stay for another night.

Opening the door, I walk in and start unloading my stuff onto the kitchen counter before I go in search of my woman. The house is so quiet, a vast contrast to the day that I’ve had. Taking in the fact that dinner is not happening right now, I head to the drawer, pulling out a few take out menus before flicking through each one, not really feeling much of anything right now. But Amelia needs to eat, she’s got my baby to feed, and if I can’t take care of one baby the way I need to, then I will make sure this one wants for nothing.

I start heading up the hallway, poking my head into each of the girl’s rooms. I don’t know where Amelia is, so I head to our room. She must be lying down for a while. She’s been so exhausted over the past couple of weeks, and with the stress from last night, I’m guessing she is out cold. I haven’t had a chance to speak to her all day, being in and out of meetings. The thought of her lying in our bed makes me want to curl up beside her and put this day behind me.

I walk past the spare room, and a light snore from inside catches my attention. My head whips around, not having expected to find her in here. The door is open just a sliver, and I push it wider to find the room completely set up as a nursery, but what I see nearly brings me to my knees.

Not only has my girl set up a bed for our baby, but she has two bassinets sitting side by side in the center of the room.

She’s making space for my baby, and that thought alone is like a punch to my gut. Rubbing the ache in my chest, I turn to take in the beautiful woman I have fallen madly in love with, and find her eyes open and already on me.

A million emotions run through my body, yet I can’t find the words to express how much this means to me, especially after today. She couldn’t get any more perfect.

“I didn’t mean to fall asleep,” Amelia murmurs in a sleepy tone, rubbing her eyes as she slowly wakes up.

“I’m sorry if I woke you, Angel.”

“Do you like it?” she asks softly with a big smile on her face just for me, trying to gauge my emotions.

“Do I like it? Baby, it’s fucking perfect.” I turn back around, taking in the room and just how much work she’s done while I haven’t been here.

“I hope you don’t mind,” she cuts me off. “It’s just with everything that has happened today, I just needed to take my mind off it and focus on our babies.”

“You’ve got two beds ... together,” I comment, trying to keep my emotions in check. “You’ve given my baby a place with us?”

“Of course, I have.” She smiles wide. “What did you think I would do? Your baby is just as much a part of our family as Copyright 2016 - 2024