Play With Fire - Sheridan Anne Page 0,93

park. What a day, what a fucking day.

Now that I have finally made it home, I feel like I can actually take a breath. Today will go down as one of the worst days that I’ve ever endured. I honestly don’t think it can possibly get any worse than this.

Fucking Jessa.

I feel like kicking my own ass when it comes to her, and I have nobody to blame but myself. I couldn’t tell you how many times I was told that she was going to be trouble. I didn’t see it. I was fucking blind. She was either a marvelous manipulator or I was just simply thinking with my dick.

Who am I kidding? It was definitely my dick.

Thinking back, there were times where we didn’t actually talk to one another. It was a wham, bam, thank you ma’am kind of deal. All she was to me was a warm body to sink into. Quick and easy. I can’t even fathom how she got pregnant. Most of the time, I didn’t even care to make it inside her house, she’d just pull my cock out as I sat in the driver’s seat of my truck. She seemed desperate enough to get whatever I gave her. I just didn’t give a fuck.

Taking a few deep breaths my mind goes over the last couple of hours. My chest has felt like a tight vice has had a firm grip on it all day long. But now, in the short time I’ve been sitting in our driveway, I can slowly feel myself starting to relax, and I’m finally able to take a breath.

I have a long way to go and a lot of years left dealing with the tsunami of trouble that girl creates, and something tells me this is only the tip of the iceberg. I need to learn how to leave my mess at the front door. I won’t allow her to cause problems for me at home.

I woke up this morning to my phone blaring through Amelia’s bedroom, too fucking early to be anything good. Thinking back on it now, I should have known the day was going to go downhill from there.

Chief was calling, telling me I needed to get my ass out of bed and down to the station right away for a meeting. My instincts were telling me this was not going to go well.

The Lieutenant had requested a sit down with me, and as I pulled into the parking lot, there were a lot more cars than I had expected. As I walked into the conference room, my eyes instantly zeroed in on the Captain.

Closing my eyes, I felt my shoulders slump. Of course, he was there. Everyone important was still in town for the fundraiser, and Jet had texted me late last night to explain that it was the Captain’s wife who ended up wearing the drink Jessa had thrown.

It was bad. Really bad.

I walked in and surveyed the room around me. My eyes connected with my team, and I frowned in confusion. Fuckers. I had told the Lieutenant to leave them out of it. It was my mess to clean up. But no, of course not. All three of the clowns were there, sitting down awaiting our fate.

We all made a pact back in the beginning; one falls, we all fall. Didn’t mean I had to be happy about it.

Chief was standing in the far corner, arms crossed over his chest, and eyes closed with his head resting back against the wall. Sitting in my Lieutenants chair was the Deputy Chief.

Jet was sitting next to Ax, his head in his hands, and the moment he heard me walk in the room, his head snapped up with dread in his eyes. Ax looked like he didn’t have a care in the world. He sat on the couch, legs spread, slouched back, and scrolling through his phone. Not only was I accountable for Jessa’s actions last night, but I had my best friends’ careers riding on my shoulders.

For a moment, I thought I was going to lose my job, and if that had been the outcome, I don’t know what I would have done.

I was suspended until further notice.

We’re lucky that’s all it ended up being. But the investigation isn’t complete until we determine how Jessa managed to get into the event, especially considering she was so intoxicated. We were hoping to pull in a lot of money for resources and sponsorships, but Jessa’s blatant fuck up Copyright 2016 - 2024