Play With Fire - Sheridan Anne Page 0,92

enough that she's embarrassing the whole squad by dragging Bull's name through the dirt in front of all these possible donors, but threatening his child? That’s just too much.

I get that she’s probably exhausted and scared about becoming a mother, that’s completely natural, but this is taking it way too far. Hell, this isn’t even the first time we’ve caught her drunk.

Bull finally reaches Jessa and grasps her upper arm, and for the sake of everyone around us, I hope he has a better grip than Jet did. He starts pulling her away, with Chief falling in behind them, ready to catch her if she was to bolt.

Jet and Ax remain and instantly start apologizing while the captain does his best to regain control of the event. He suggests the caterers offer another round of champagne to all the guests and naturally with a little bit of alcohol in their system, they easily forget the horrendous interruption to our evening.

Once the captain is finished with his speech and acknowledgments, I make my way across to the table with the woman who suffered a ruined Gucci dress. I offer to pay for her dry cleaning knowing a bill like that would be more than I could probably handle right now, but she waves me off, saying that it’s fine. I let out a breath of relief, most of the women here would have demanded some kind of reimbursement for their troubles, but it seems Jessa destroyed the dress of the one good apple here.

As the evening goes on, I become fidgety. I want to know what’s going on, but Bull needs me here saving face. I talk to his captain and apologize for everything that went down, and he graciously accepts it. Though, I have a feeling that’s because he doesn’t want to upset a pregnant woman. There’s no doubt in my mind that Bull will be pulled in for a stern talking to first thing tomorrow morning.

When Ax comes and finds me well after the sun has gone down and offers me a ride home, I can’t possibly decline. He gets me through the door and makes sure I’m doing alright before leaving me in the peaceful quietness of my home.

I make myself a cup of chamomile tea before sitting down on my couch and hoping that everything is going to be alright. I haven’t heard from Bull since he left the fundraiser, but I’m sure he has things under control.

The door opens, not a second later, and all my worries ease as Bull comes striding through. He looks exhausted and tortured, but the fact that he’s here tells me the danger has passed. “Are you alright?” I question as he drops down onto the couch beside me and pulls me into his warm arms.

“Yeah, I think so,” he murmurs, staring off out the living room window. “I took her down to the hospital where they can monitor her and the baby. There was a lot of alcohol in her system, so I wouldn’t be surprised if social services are called about child endangerment. I’m not going to pretend to know anything about how any of that works, but I know after this, Jessa will be on their radar.”

“Shit,” I sigh, snuggling into his side a little more while making a plan to do a little research tomorrow on social services standard practices. Maybe after that, I could do a little something for Bull to try and lighten his spirits. All this Jessa crap must be weighing on him. He puts on a brave face, but I know he must be terrified for the wellbeing of his baby. “How long will she remain in the hospital?”

“Seventy-two hours maybe. Enough to get the alcohol out of her system and make sure the baby is doing alright, but nowhere near enough to ensure my child’s safety for the rest of her pregnancy.”

“Your baby is going to be alright,” I tell him. “Jessa is 36 weeks, so before you know it, your baby is going to be safe in your arms. We just have to make it through the next few weeks.”

“Yeah,” he says, letting out a deep breath as his arms curl tighter around me. “I don’t know what I’d do if I didn’t have you.”

I raise my chin and press my lips to his, hoping that tomorrow, we receive some good news about the baby and can have a much better day.



Pulling into the driveway, I throw my truck into Copyright 2016 - 2024