Play With Fire - Sheridan Anne Page 0,85

hair and Bull’s dark eyes. “I would give anything to be pregnant with Bull’s baby,” I answer without any hesitation. “It’s just the timing. The timing is really, really bad.”

“The timing is never good, but you better think of something to say to him now, because you, my friend,” she says, leaving a slight pause as I raise my head, anxious for the results as a smile tears across her face. “You’re pregnant. We’re having another baby.”

Well, shit.

My family is about to get that much bigger. And Bull … well … he’s about to have two babies within the space of four months of each other.

Crap. What did I get myself into?



“I’m out of here,” Ax calls over his shoulder as he heads toward the parking lot, most likely to go down to the hospital to keep that biker chick company, something he seems to be doing a little more often lately. Both Chief and I nod in acknowledgment and instantly get back to work. Not a second later, Ax is tearing out of the parking lot. I doubt any of us will see him until we're on shift again.

There must be something particularly special about Harley. All I know is, Ax hasn’t said a word about it, and none of us are willing to question him on the topic.

I check over the fire hose and make sure it has no leaks before rolling it back up and putting it away in the truck, all while Chief shakes his head at me. He insists that it’s a job for the rookies, and he’s probably right, but I’ve been caught out trusting a rookie before, and it didn’t end well. Ever since then, I’ve done the checks myself. After all, if you want something done right, then you do it yourself. The same goes for trusting your equipment, especially in my line of work. A faulty hose could mean the difference between life and death.

Though, I’m not a complete ass when it comes to the equipment. I’ve got a few of the rookies with me as I’m a firm believer in teaching the next generation how to do things right. These are the guys who could be saving a family from a burning home one day, and I want to know that when they get sent out there on their own, they know what they’re doing.

I grab the next hose from the truck and hand it to the new kid to roll out along the long drive. Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for checking over this shit myself, but if there’s a shit job like rolling and unrolling a hose, I’m more than happy to delegate.

I check over the connection before attaching it to the water supply and turning it on with a low pressure. I walk the length of the hose, checking it with a close eye while the rookies trail behind me, watching and learning from every step I take.

I check again with high pressure, and just as I finish up, a familiar car pulls into the driveway. Amelia is behind the wheel, and I don’t know what’s going on with her, but she’s completely zoned out to the fact that we're in the middle of running tests as she drives right over the top of our hose.

“What’s she doing here?” Chief questions, walking up beside me as we watch her park her car. “I thought she was sick.”

“Yeah, she is. She should be home in bed,” I say, trying to work out what she’s doing coming over here while she’s been struggling to keep anything down. “I swear, if Zoey just let her walk out of the house in her condition, we’re going to have words.”

“What’s going on with Zoey?” Jet questions, walking past us as he heads for the fire truck, probably to get the rest of his sub he left in there after being called to the grass fire this morning.

I roll my eyes, stepping away from Chief as I go to talk to my girl. “Zoey’s fine,” I grumble, knowing Jet would be listening closely. After all, he seems to have some sort of obsession where Zoey is concerned.

I reach Amelia’s car just as she’s getting out, and as I go to take her waist, she dives back into her car, grabbing some old bucket and starts hurling up her guts once again.

Devastation rocks through me. I hate seeing her like this. We all were a bit sick on the first night, and Copyright 2016 - 2024