Play With Fire - Sheridan Anne Page 0,86

I was positive that it was food poisoning, but the next morning, we were fine, all except Amelia. She’s been like this for five days straight, and I don’t know how to help her.

I rest my hand on her back and rub slow circles as she heaves up everything in her stomach, and from the sound of it, she was able to actually eat something today. “Are you okay, Angel?” I murmur, knowing that question isn’t going to do shit, but at least it’s something to let her know I care.

Amelia nods her head before abandoning the bucket and grabbing some of Coby’s wet wipes. She wipes down her face before grabbing a bottle of water and taking a small sip. “Yeah, sorry. I thought I was,” she says, tilting her chin up to look at me, and in doing so, I finally get a good look at her face, but what I see doesn’t give me that joy that I usually feel when I take her in. Something is wrong.

“What’s going on?” I ask, focusing on her eyes and realize they look a little red and puffy. Has she been crying? “I sent Zoey so you wouldn’t do anything stupid like get out of bed.”

I take Amelia’s waist and pull her into my chest, loving the way she melts into me and rests her face against my chest. Her arms slip around my waist and hook up so she’s holding onto the back of my shoulders.

She takes a few, slow deep breaths, and the fact that she’s holding me so tight tells me that whatever is wrong has nothing to do with me. Maybe that dickhead of an ex did something to upset her again and if that’s the case, the fucker will be dealing with me.

Amelia pulls back slightly before looking up at me with a strained smile, only the smile fades the second her eyes fill with tears. “I’m so sorry,” she whispers, shaking her head as the tears spill over and trail down her cheek. “I … I.”

I watch her in concern as I wipe the tears from her face. What could possibly have her breaking like this? “Angel, what’s going on?”

More tears fall as she looks up at me with those big blue eyes. “I’m sorry, Bull. I thought we were being safe.”

“Safe?” I question as my brows furrow in confusion. “What are you talking about, Amelia?”

She hesitates for a brief moment, seemingly not wanting to tell me what’s going on, but she should know by now that no matter what’s going on, or whatever it is that she might have done, I’ve got her back. She’s my woman, and if something is hurting her, then I’ll be the first to fix it.

“Everything was going so well, and the timing is … it just sucks, and I don’t know what we’re going to do, but I’ve dreamed about this with you. I love you so much, and I thought maybe one day this might happen, but so soon? I’m so sorry, Bull. I didn’t mean for this to happen. Actually, I have no idea how it happened, we’ve been so safe, but it did, and now we’re here and … please don’t leave.”

“Leave?” I question, taken back. I take hold of her shoulder and move her back a step so I can look at her properly. “Why the hell would I leave? What’s going on? Did you make it to the doctors? Are you okay? Are the girls alright?”

“They’re … the girls are fine,” she says, trying to force herself to breathe. “I’m pregnant, Bull.”

My hands drop from her shoulders as I stare at her in shock. “Excuse me?” I ask, rushing the words out and hoping I heard her correctly. “You’re pregnant?”

Amelia nods, looking terrified of how I might react, but truth be told, I’ve never been so fucking ecstatic. “I’m sorry,” she whispers again.

“Sorry?” I boom out laughing, grabbing her around the waist and lifting her off the ground so I can spin us both around. Amelia squeals out in surprise, but she quickly grabs hold of me, terrified of falling, but fuck me, I’d sooner die than let her fall.

I put her down on her feet, both of us dizzy from the spin. “Are you sure?” I question, desperately pushing her hair back off so I can see that beautiful face.

She nods, and I pull her in, crushing her against my chest. “This is incredible,” I say in amazement. “You’re really having Copyright 2016 - 2024