The Pastor's Heart - By Desiree Future Page 0,51

His Arms Around You, he rose to his feet and started praising God.” The Lord was certainly speaking to him and he surely was listening.

“First I give an honor to God who is the head of my life,” Kingston said after the choir sat down and he took to the podium. “I have been going through a storm my brothers and sisters but I believe my storm is over. Hallelujah! Thank you Jesus!” Kingston yelled as he waived his hand in the air.

“I know my God is a healer and I know He has never left my side. When I was at my lowest point He never left me. But I thank God because the whole time as I sat with my face to the ground, He had forgiven me. He forgave me.” Kingston said pointing to himself. Both his parents smiled at him seeing the old Kingston emerging right before their very eyes.

Kingston started taking off his jacket when his father came over to help him while patting him on the shoulder.

“You see just because I am a pastor it doesn’t mean that I am a perfect man. It means that I hurt, cry and bleed just like you do. Hallelujah! Can I get an amen? I am not a perfect man. I messed up so bad that I couldn’t stand to look at myself in the mirror. I couldn’t believe I hurt someone I truly loved by my foolish and childish mistake. I beat myself up so bad that I didn’t want to get up from where I had fallen but my dad said something to me that made me get up. He said you look like you have already accepted defeat, so here I am saying I refuse to accept defeat. God never said the road would be easy. What He said in Matthew 7:14 is But the gateway to life is very narrow and the road is difficult. He never once said this or anything else would be easy.” Kingston was shouting so loud he threw down the microphone and continued without it.

“I am only flesh and I make mistakes. So if no one else forgives me, I forgive myself!” Kingston said with such strength and power in his voice.

“I forgive you Pastor Carter!” Sinclair shouted as she made her way down the aisle with Desmond helping her.

“Thank you Jesus!” Kingston said in disbelief.

“Because my mother abandoned my at the firehouse when I was five, I didn’t know what love was. I couldn’t comprehend how a mother could just leave her child, so I blocked out any form of love because to me love hurt and then came you Kingston.” Sinclair said aloud not caring about the many faces staring at her.

“I never knew what real love was until I met you. You showed me unconditional love I had never had and because it was new to me I got scared and I ran until I couldn’t run anymore. But I am here now to tell you that I am sorry and I love you and that I want you back in my life. I don’t care if I make a fool out of myself but I will do it any day just to make you smile because I love your smile.” Sinclair gave her crutches to Desmond and started walking slowly on her own to a stunned Kingston.

Kingston began clapping as he stepped down from the podium and made his way toward Sinclair. Everyone in the church joined him in clapping for Sinclair as well.

“Beautiful, I am so very sorry, I miss you and I need you in my life,” Kingston said he walked down the middle of the aisle to meet Sinclair. He also did not care that their private world was now made public.

They hugged each other tightly as they met in the middle of the church. “I saw it on the news about Chad, I mean Stanley. I’m sorry that I ever doubted you. Please forgive me Kingston?” Sinclair asked through her tears.

“Beautiful, it’s okay. Just please don’t leave me again. I can’t sleep and I can’t eat. I need you in my life.” Kingston said while tears were flowing from his own eyes.

Everyone in the church was fixated on Sinclair and Kingston as they held each other in the middle of the aisle and cried together.

“I don’t want to spend another minute without you in my world,” Kingston said as he got down on one knee in front of Sinclair. “Will Copyright 2016 - 2024