The Pastor's Heart - By Desiree Future Page 0,50

to Sinclair’s apartment behind me. What were you thinking? You could have just taken your time, you are carrying our child, the last thing I need is for you to get hurt so please don’t try that again.” Desmond said just as the light changed to green.

“I promise I won’t run again.” Robyn said to a smiling Desmond who then kissed her hand.

“And I promise I won’t let her. From now until she has my niece or nephew she has to walk just as slow as I do.” Sinclair added

“Good. So from now on you two will take it slow,” Desmond said looking at Sinclair through his rearview mirror.

“Okay we promise. Now can you step on that gas please?” Sinclair asked Desmond wishing she could drive herself.

Sinclair had no idea what she would say to Kingston but she knew she had to see him. Never in her life had she ever missed someone so bad that her heart literally ached. Sinclair had never had such a connection to another man until she met Kingston. He had done so much for her that she didn’t even know where to begin to even thank him. He had gone way out of his way to make sure she had what she needed and if she didn’t have it Kingston made it his business to get it for her. He was surely a man of his word because she did not want for anything. If only her stubborn spirit would have allowed her to speak to Kingston earlier she would not be rushing to across the streets to get to him. She made a mental not to stop being so stubborn. She had come to realize that only the truly special people in her life made her cry tears of joy and Kingston was one of them and she had to tell him how much he meant to her.


Calvin stood pacing the floor of his church office while staring at his watch. He had grown tired and decided he couldn’t wait anymore.

“Kingston are you coming to church today? I will understand if you don’t want to preach today.” Calvin asked as soon as Kingston answered his cell phone.

“I’m coming to church Pop, I just had to run a quick errand before I came. It’s my turn to preach so I will be preaching this morning while you take your seat as you always do on third Sunday.” Kingston said to his father while giving the thumbs up to the man behind the glass counter.

“Are you sure? Because I can preach, it’s no problem?” Calvin said as he went to grab a bottle of water from his small refrigerator.

“Pop, you have always taught me to chase my dreams and to never let anything or anyone get in the way of me getting what I wanted. Well, right now I am chasing my dreams. I will be there in time to preach, I won’t let you down, I promise.” Kingston said while reaching for his wallet.

“Okay son, just be careful driving. I know how you like to speed like Simon who taught you how to do an eighty in a forty.” Calvin was feeling a little at ease knowing Kingston was at least all right.

“I promise I will drive safely. See you soon.” Kingston said as he hung up from his father.

Kingston took his item and was headed to his Navigator when he saw his reflection in the mirror. He stopped and looked at himself like he had never seen his reflection before. Kingston couldn’t help but like what he saw in the mirror. He was wearing a beige suit with his chocolate tie and chocolate shoes to match and under his jacket he was wearing his signature suspenders. For the first time in weeks he actually felt happy. He didn’t know whether it was the talk he had with God or the talk he had with his dad or the fact that he was literally holding his dreams in his hand. Thinking it was all of the above he headed to the parking lot smiling like he had just won the lottery.

Had his father known he did an eighty in a forty, he would not have been happy, Kingston thought to himself as he entered the church fifteen minutes later. As he stepped onto the pulpit he kissed his mother on the cheek and shook his father’s hand and he took his seat next to them. When he realized the choir was singing He Has Copyright 2016 - 2024