The Pastor's Heart - By Desiree Future Page 0,52

you marry me Sinclair Madison?” He asked while holding a diamond engagement ring out to her.

If it were not for Kingston holding Sinclair’s hand she would surely have fallen in disbelief. “Yes!” she shouted through even more tears.

“SHE SAID YES!!” Kingston announced as everyone started clapping for the couple. “Thank you Jesus, she said yes!” Kingston shouted as he rose from his knees. Still holding on to Sinclair’s hand he did a little dance while Sinclair raised her other hand giving thanks to God.

Kingston’s mother and father had come down off the podium to congratulate the couple. The musicians had begun to play and the choir started singing again.

“Now wait everybody. I need to finish my sermon. Just because I’m about to marry the most gorgeous woman in the world doesn’t mean I can’t finish,” Kingston said while holding Sinclair’s hand. “Now when you forgive, it that means that you are no longer held captive in your past and you can now move on with your future,” he said as he smiled at Sinclair. “Isaiah 40:29 says He gives strength to weary and power to weak. I was weary because I couldn’t forgive myself for what I had done but I stand before you healed and forgiven because of God.” Kingston continued his sermon.

“Amen!” Sinclair shouted.

“My future bride just walked down that aisle; after the doctors said they weren’t sure if she would ever walk again without her crutches. The Lord gave her power to be able to walk without those crutches! Hallelujah! My sisters and brothers, whatever it is that you are going through, I don’t care how big or how small. Just take it to God and plant your knees on that ground and just start praying and watch the miracle that He will make happen.” Kingston said smiling to his father who helped him back into his jacket. “Now, I’m done. Have a blessed day everyone.”

“You look amazing!” Kingston said to Sinclair as they walked out the church hand in hand.

“And you don’t look so bad yourself Pastor McSteamy.” Sinclair said as she winked at Kingston.


College Point had hit a record high temperature of 102 degrees and it was only the beginning of June. The frozen food aisle was packed with people buying frozen treats to keep cool.

“I know I was late when you came to pick me up but I said I was sorry, I was busy. Next time just….” Kingston stopped mid-sentence because he thought he was seeing things. I will call you right back.” Kingston said without waiting for a reply from the person on the other end.

“Kingston!” Shouted the person on the other line before Kingston hung up.

Sinclair stood looking at the box of pasta contemplating a way to retrieve it from the high shelf. No one was looking so she thought it would be a good idea to do her normal climbing. Just as she placed her sandaled foot on the bottom shelf someone whispered in her ear.

“If you keep reaching like that and showing those sexy legs of yours, Desmond and Robyn won’t be the only new parents.” Kingston said to Sinclair’s as she backed away from the shelf and Kingston gave her a seductive smile.

“Here, watch this,” Kingston said as he went and pushed a button on the side of the shelf.

“Assistance needed in aisle eight.”, came from over the loud speaker. Within moments a young clerk walked up to them.

“Mr. and Mrs. Carter, how can I help to you today?” The young clerk asked who was wearing a Tee shirt with Carter Market written on it.

“Can you please get me four boxes of pasta? My wife is an amazing cook and I have a healthy appetite.” Kingston said while looking at Sinclair seductively.

“Here you go.” The clerk handed the items to Sinclair. “This is a new service we offer our customers because we understand that some items are placed on higher or lower shelves that sometimes are not always accessible. We don’t want anyone to get hurt while trying to reach for things. If there is anything else you need feel free to push the button and someone will assist you,” the clerk said.

After thanking the clerk for his help, Kingston turned and smiled brightly to Sinclair.

“Wow, I can’t believe you remembered that. You never seem to amaze me Mr. Carter,” Sinclair said.

“How can I forget the first time I laid eyes on you? Now speaking of remembering are you sure you have everything we need for our trip tomorrow? I don’t want to leave anything we need.” Kingston asked.

“We have everything and yes I have a stash of Fig Newton’s for you too. I just can’t believe we just got back from our honeymoon in Paris and now we are headed to New York City tomorrow for my photo shoot at a national magazine.” Sinclair said as she and Kingston started strolling down the massive aisle together.

“Well believe it because they chose you as Woman of The Year. All your outstanding work with your agency has earned you the title, now it’s time for you to reap the rewards of all your hard work. You deserve this and so much more.” Kingston explained to his beautiful wife.

“Can we stop at our new specialty store and get….” Sinclair was saying before Kingston cut her off.

“They already have your bag of white chocolate waiting for us to pick up.” Kingston said smiling to Sinclair.

“I love you Kingston Carter,” Sinclair said softly.

“I love you too Mrs. Kingston Carter and you will always be my woman of the year.” Kingston said to a blushing Sinclair.

Thank you for reading my book, I hope you have enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed writing it. To see where my next book takes Sinclair and Kingston you may reach me at

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THANK YOU JESUS! Copyright 2016 - 2024