The Pass (Smart Jocks #5) - Rebecca Jenshak Page 0,26

has America’s ass? Please. Tanner wins that contest every day of the week. His aforementioned lack of modesty has given me plenty of glimpses over the years.

Yeah, Tanner’s ridiculously hot. I’ve always known all of these things. I didn’t suddenly gain the ability to see. That kiss just made me less objective about it. Hot is just hot, but the chemistry I felt kissing him can’t be as easily dismissed. Long ago before I knew how awesome he was, maybe. Definitely not now. Especially when I know he feels the same way—or did.

“Okay, so back to my genius idea,” he says.

I don’t have to look at him to know he has an excited grin on his face. Tanner doesn’t always show his emotions on his face, but right now as I glance to confirm my suspicion, he’s easy to read with a big smile that stretches ear to ear.

“We promise to meet up here every summer. No matter what.”


“You agreed to that way faster than I expected. Damn, I’m good.” He twists his head around so our faces are close enough that I could kiss him by barely moving. “You mean it?”

“I think I can manage that.” Even as I say it, my stomach dips at the thought of only seeing him once a year. Yeah, I’m sure we’ll stay friends but eventually he’ll get a serious girlfriend and get married and we’ll drift apart. I think he’s far more likely to back out on our deal than I am.

Unlike me, Tanner’s had some semi-serious relationships over the years. None of the girls were even remotely good enough for him, but I liked them well enough.

“Have you heard from Amelia?”

“Nah, that’s definitely over.”

“I’m sorry. I know how much you cared about her.”

His shoulders shrug. “Yeah, I guess. I mean I did, of course I did, but I feel fine about it. She isn’t someone I could see myself with long-term.”

“That’s because you know as soon as you get back to Valley, you’ll have your pick of girls again. Boys have it so freaking easy.”

“What, like you couldn’t have any guy you wanted? I can’t tell you the number of times I’ve almost maimed someone in the locker room for speaking their unfiltered thoughts about you.”


He chuckles at my excitement. “Really.”

“Hmm. Maybe you can hook me up with one of them.”

His blue eyes bore into me as if he’s checking to see if I’m serious. “No.”

“Why not?”

“They aren’t good enough for you. College guys are trash.”

“Oh, please. Come on, there has to be someone you like well enough to set me up with? It’s been months since I dated anyone. I think I’m ready.”

He studies my face for a second as if to gauge my sincerity. “All right. I will think about it, but no ballplayers. It’d be too weird.”

I let go of him and swim toward shore. “Come on. I need a few minutes to dry off.”

“Yeah, I suppose I should get back. I told Jonah I’d go over this afternoon and work out with him.”

“At his house?”

“He’s got a gym in his garage. Just a half-rack and some weights. Enough for us to get in some workouts over the summer.”

I hop out first and walk toward my clothes. Tanner follows behind me, cupping himself until he reaches his boxers. I take a seat in the grass to dry off before getting dressed. Once he has on his boxers, he joins me.

The early afternoon sun feels like it’s zapping the water from my skin in seconds. I already want to jump back in. “Maybe I’ll take a nap when we get back.”

He chuckles. “You just woke up.”

“It’s summer vacation.”

“Come with me. Jonah has a great pool. You can swim or you can watch us work out.” He winks.

When Tanner said Jonah had a great pool, he wasn’t lying. It’s huge and has its own lazy river. The house is just as ridiculous which makes me curious as to what it is Jonah’s family does to own a place like this.

We all sit out back next to the pool for a while before Jonah and Tanner decide it’s time to get their workout in.

“You good?” Tanner asks me.

“Oh yeah,” I say, pulling my T-shirt over my head. “I’ll be just fine.”

Jonah tilts his head toward the house. “There’s beer, wine, and some other drinks in the kitchen. Help yourself.”

They disappear inside and I finish undressing and then slather my body in sunscreen, don my sunglasses, and grab one of the rafts Copyright 2016 - 2024