The Pass (Smart Jocks #5) - Rebecca Jenshak Page 0,25


“Does this go all the way around back to your place?”

“Eventually, probably. I’ve never tested it. It’s got to be seven or eight miles.”

I stop and my chest lifts and falls as I suck in deep breaths. “Fuck that.”

Tanner stops and comes back with a smirk on his face. “You’re cute when you cuss.”

“Shut it.” I start back at a jog in the opposite direction. I don’t hear Tanner’s steps behind me and glance over my shoulder. “Are you coming?”

He’s kicked off his socks and shoes and is pulling his shorts down, giving me a glimpse of his black boxer briefs.

“What are you doing?”

“Cooling off. It’s about a thousand degrees out here. Who goes for a run in this heat?”

“You didn’t have to come.” Sweat drips down my neck.

“But I did and now I want to swim for a few minutes.” He inches his boxer briefs down and then pauses. “Better look away unless you want to see my very white ass.”

Rolling my eyes, I give him my back. “Since when are you so modest?”

“I’m not, but thought I’d give you the chance to choose whether or not you looked. All right. I’m going in.”

I turn in time to see a flash of his backside as he jumps in, holding a hand over his dick. He goes under and comes back up with a smile and runs a hand over his face and pushes his hair out of his eyes.

“I am not skinny dipping with you.”

“Your loss.” He makes a big show of tilting back and floating in the water. Relaxed and enjoying himself far too much.

He’s not even looking at me, but as soon as I toe off the first shoe, he grins all too knowingly.

I strip down to my sports bra and then hesitate with my shorts, finally saying screw it and adding them to my pile of clothes. While it isn’t a bathing suit, my bra and underwear cover more than some of my bikinis. I walk out onto the small dock and Tanner swims closer.

A few boats dot the water in the distance, but other than that, there’s no one around. I jump in, the cold jolting me at first.

“Oh, that does feel nice.”

“Told you.”

Closing my eyes, I lay back and float beside him. The sun is still hot, but the chill of the water makes it perfect.

“Sometimes, I guess, you have good ideas.”

“Sometimes?” A spray of water hits my face.

Keeping my eyes closed, I splash in the general direction of him. “I need a lake house. It’s my new life goal.”

“I hear that. Maybe when my parents croak, they’ll leave me theirs.”

I snort laugh. “Your life goal is dependent on the two people who love you most in the world dying?”

“Don’t knock my dreams.” He hums deep in his throat. “Last summer.”

“Yeah, I’ve been thinking about that too.”

“About what you’re going to do without me?”

“We’ve spent summers apart before,” I remind him.

“Yeah, I know, but what if you end up on one side of the world and I’m on the other?”

“We’ll see each other when we can. Plus, we can text and video chat.”

“Let’s make a pact.”

Opening my eyes, I smile at him. “A pact? What are you, twelve?”

He splashes water at me again.

“Can we talk about this on the way back? My legs are jelly, and if we keep treading water, you’re going to have to carry me back to the house.”

His gaze drops below my face but from the neck down I’m below the water, so his scan of my body is thwarted. It gives me a small thrill that he attempted to check me out anyway.

“I’m enjoying this. Grab on.”

I wrap my arms around his chest from behind and without thinking, circle his waist with my legs. It isn’t until my foot brushes against his dick that I realize my mistake and quickly bring my legs back behind him. Bare ass I can handle… bare dick… big nope.

“Try not to kick me in the balls.” He chuckles.

If he’s felt uncomfortable since our kiss, he hasn’t shown it. I desperately wish I could go back to when I wasn’t so aware of him. They were simpler times.

But I am all too aware of him. His back, for example. The man has back muscles that are hard and flex in front of me. And his chest and abs are defined. Not too bulky, but it’s obvious that he’s got more than a skinny-guy six-pack. I’m not even going to mention his butt. Captain America Copyright 2016 - 2024