The Pass (Smart Jocks #5) - Rebecca Jenshak Page 0,27

stacked up beside the pool. As I’m slipping into the water, music filters out from speakers around the pool. Yep, a lake house just like this is definitely a life goal.

I float around the pool for who knows how long. I’m in that happy state where my brain is turned off and I only exist in bliss and peace. My phone rings and breaks the moment, snapping me back to reality. I consider letting it go, but I’ve already been knocked out of my pool bliss, so I climb out and grab it.

“Hey,” I say, answering with a smile that Emily can’t see but I’m sure comes across in my voice.

“Hey, I was just about to hang up. You sound way happier than I expected for a girl back in her hometown, or have you started drinking already this afternoon? No judgment. I know how much you hate it there.”

“Actually, I had a change of plans and I’m at the lake with Tanner.”

“Oh, that’s awesome. You’re there for the weekend?”

“For the month.”

She’s silent for a moment and then, “What about Amelia?”

“They broke up.” It sort of annoys me that I wouldn’t be allowed to be here if he had a girlfriend like I’m the evil best friend who is trying to steal Tanner away. I mean, okay, I did kiss him, but I definitely wouldn’t have if he had a girlfriend.

More silence.

“We’re over at one of his friend’s houses today. Em, you should see this place. The house is as big as The White House but right on the lake and he’s got this huge pool… I never want to leave.”

“Sounds awesome. I was calling to make sure you hadn’t fallen into depression and turns out you’re having a better summer than me. I’m jealous.”

“Why? What’s going on with you? When do you leave for Disney?” Her family’s summer vacation plans of going to Orlando to visit Disney World and the beach is all she’s talked about for the past two months.

“Eh, that sort of fell through. My mom got shingles and all she wants to do is sit inside in front of the fan.”

“Sorry.” I sit beside the pool and stick my legs into the water, capturing a bit of the bliss like a contact high. “You should come visit.”

“I bet Tanner would love that. He finally gets you to himself, and you still find ways to cockblock him.”

I fumble for words. “I’m not… he’s not… we’re…”

“I was kidding, but wow, you sound guilty. Did you two finally hook up? You bitch. I expected you to call me immediately when that happened. Tell me everything.”

“You misunderstood. I only meant that he doesn’t care about having me alone. Datson is coming up tomorrow, and his sister and her friends are coming later this month. We’re just friends, Em.” I do consider telling her about the kiss, but I think that will only add fuel to her theory that Tanner and I are inevitable.

Maybe it’s part of my stubborn competitiveness, but the more people insist Tanner and I are more than friends, the more I want to prove them wrong. Sparks be damned.



Jonah racks the barbell and we both move to add another plate to either side before taking a quick rest between sets.

He takes a seat on the bench and wipes his forehead with a towel. “What are you guys doing tonight? Do you want to head over to The Cove?”

“That sounds good. I’ll run it by Sydney.”

“What’s up with you two? I can’t figure you out.”

“We’re friends, man. I’ve told you a million times.”

“I don’t buy it, and it’s not because I don’t think guys and girls can be friends. It’s the way you talked about her all these years and then seeing you two together.”

“Sydney is super competitive. You guys were basically daring her to kiss me, therefore guaranteeing that she would just to prove you wrong.”

“That kiss was fucking hot. Best guy on girl soft-core porn I’ve ever seen, but that’s not what I mean. It’s when you are just sitting next to one another or standing together. There’s this connection and awareness, soul-deep shit that I won’t even pretend to understand, but I know isn’t normal friend behavior.”

“Soul-deep shit?” I ask with a chuckle.

He lays back on the bench for his next set, and I get in position to spot him. He gets five easy and I help him push out two more.

“If I had that with someone, I wouldn’t be so quick to dismiss it, Copyright 2016 - 2024