The Pagan Stone Page 0,89

feeling. So I bought a-okay five-I bought five early response pregnancy tests because I went a little crazy. At the pharmacy in the next town," she said, laughing now, "because, you know-small towns."

"Yes, I know."

"I only took three-came down from crazy to obsessed. I just took them. Three of them. Pink, plus sign, and the no-frills pregnant all came up. I'm probably only a couple of weeks in, if that, but..." She looked down at her belly. "Wow, somebody's in there."

"You haven't told Cal."

"I didn't want to say before I knew. He'll be happy, but he'll be worried, too." She pulled on capris. "Worried because of what's coming, what we have to do, and I'm, well, in the family way."

"How do you feel, about that part of it?"

"Scared, protective. And I know nothing will ever be right for us, any of us, or for this baby if we don't end it. If we don't follow through, and I'm part of that follow-through. I guess I have to believe that this-" Quinn laid a hand on her belly. "This is a sign of hope."

"I love you, Q."

"Oh God, Cyb." Once more, Quinn went into Cybil's arms. "I'm so glad you were here. I know Cal should've been the first I told, but-"

"He'll understand. He has brothers." Gently, Cybil smoothed Quinn's damp hair back. "We're going to get through this, Q, and you and Cal? You're going to be amazing parents."

"We are. Both counts." Quinn let out a breath. "Whew. You know, maybe I'll go all hormonal on the Big Evil Bastard. That might do it."

Cybil laughed. "It just might."

WHEN GAGE RETURNED, THEY LOADED CAL'S truck. "I'm going to need my car," Quinn said, "so I'll toss some stuff in there, and I'll pick up Layla. I need to go see Cal first." She glanced at Cybil. "So I might be a while."

"Take your time. We'll unpack this load, get things organized. Well... See you later." Quinn gave Cybil a hard squeeze then puzzled Gage by giving him the same. "Bye."

Gage got in the truck, started the engine. Then sat, drumming his fingers on the wheel while it ran. "What's up with Quinn?"

"Quinn's fine."

"She seems a little nervy."

"We're all a little nervy, which is why I agree with you about all of us staying at the same place now."

"Not that kind of nervy." He turned in his seat, met her eyes. "Is she pregnant?"

"Well, aren't you the insightful one? Yes, she is, and I'm only confirming that because she's going to tell Cal right now."

He sat, rubbed his hands over his face. "Christ."

"You can look at it as the glass is half empty, as you obviously are. Or that it's half full. Personally, I see the glass as overflowing. This is good, strong, positive news, Gage."

"Maybe for normal people under normal circumstances. But try to look at this from Cal 's angle. Would you want the woman you love, who's carrying your child, risking her life, the life of the kid? Or would you wish her a hundred miles away from this?"

"I'd wish her a thousand miles away. Do you think I can't understand how he'll feel? I love her, enormously. But I know she can't be a thousand miles away. So I'm going to look at this, as Quinn is, as a sign of hope. We knew this was coming-or the possibility of this, Gage. We saw it. We saw her and Cal together, alive and together, with Quinn pregnant. I'm going to believe that's what will be. I have to."

"We also saw her killed."

"Please don't." Cybil closed her eyes as her belly twisted. "I know we have to prepare for the worst, but please don't. Not today."

He pulled away from the curb, let her have silence for the next several minutes. "Fox is going to close his office in a couple days anyway. If Layla wants to keep on with the rehab-"

"She will. It's another positive."

"He can go back and forth with her, work with his father some. Between them, Cal and his father, we'll have eyes and ears on the town. There's no reason for Quinn-or you for that matter-to go back into the Hollow until this is over."

"Maybe not." A reasonable compromise, she mused. Surprise.

"My old man's been having dreams," Gage said, and told her.

"Feeding on fears, pain, weaknesses." Cybil closed her hand over his a moment. "It's good that he told you. That's another positive, Gage, however you feel about him. You can feel it in town Copyright 2016 - 2024