The Pagan Stone Page 0,88

to pour it down the sink. I pray to God I was going to pour it down the sink, but there was nothing there. I think I'm going crazy. I know I'll go crazy if I pick up a bottle again and do anything but pour it down the sink."

"You're not going crazy." Another kind of torture, Gage thought. The bastard didn't miss a trick. "Have you ever had dreams like this before?"

"Maybe, a few times over the years. It's hard to say because I wasn't picking up bottles to pour them down the sink back then." Bill sighed now. "But maybe a few times, around this time of year. Around the time Jim says you boys call the Seven."

"It fucks with us. It's fucking with you. Go on out to the farm, give them a hand out there."

"I can do that." Bill pushed back to his feet. "Whatever it is, it's got no right using your ma that way."

"No, it doesn't."

When Bill started to walk away, Gage cursed under his breath. "Wait. I can't forget, and I don't know if I can ever forgive. But I know you loved her. I know that's the truth, so I'm sorry you lost her."

Something came into Bill's eyes, something Gage reluctantly recognized as gratitude.

"You lost her, too. I never let myself think that, not all those years. You lost her, too, and me with her. I'll carry that the rest of my life. But I won't drink today."

Gage went straight to the rental house. He walked in, and right up the stairs. As he reached the top, Quinn stepped out of her bedroom draped in a towel.

"Oh. Well. Hi, Gage."

"Where's Cybil?"

Quinn hitched the towel a little higher. "Probably in the shower or getting dressed. We hit the gym. I was just going to... never mind."

He studied her face. Her cheeks seemed a little flushed, her eyes a little overbright. "Something wrong?"

"Wrong? No. Everything's good. Great. Thumbs-up. I, ah, better get dressed."

"Pack, too."


"Pack up what you need," he told her as she stood frowning and dripping. "Seeing as you're three women, it's going to take more than one trip. Cal and Fox can come by at some point and haul more. There's no point in the three of you staying here-and by the way, do any of you ever think about locking the door? It's getting dangerous in town. Everyone can bunk at Cal 's until this is over."

"You're making that decision for everyone involved?" Cybil asked from behind him.

He turned. She was dressed and leaning against the jamb. "Yeah."

"That's fairly presumptuous, to put it mildly. But I happen to agree with you." She looked over at Quinn. "It's just not practical to have three bases-here, Cal's, Fox's-anymore. We'd be better to consolidate. Even assuming this house is a cold spot, and safe, we're too spread out."

"Who's arguing?" Quinn adjusted her towel again. "Layla's at the boutique with Fox's dad, but Cyb and I can put some of her things together."

Cybil continued to look at Quinn. "It might be helpful if you went by there now, Gage, let her know. It's going to take a little time for us to pack up the research equipment anyway. Then you could borrow Cal 's truck, and we could take the first load."

He knew when he was getting the brush-off. Cybil wanted him gone, for now. "Get it together then. And once we're at Cal 's, you and I have to try the link-up again."

"Yes, we do."

"I'll be back in twenty, so get a move on."

Cybil ignored him. She stood in her doorway and Quinn in hers, watching each other until they heard the front door close behind him.

"What's up, Q?"

"I'm pregnant. Holy shit, Cyb, I'm pregnant." Tears flooded her eyes even as she moved her feet and hips into what could only be interpreted as a happy dance. "I'm knocked up, I'm on the nest, I am with child and have a bun in the oven. Holy shit."

Cybil crossed the hallway, held out her arms. They stood holding each other. "I didn't expect to be expecting. I mean, we weren't trying for it. All this going on, and planning the wedding. After, we both figured."

"How far along?"

"That's just it." Drawing back, Quinn used the towel to dry her face, then turned naked to dig out clothes. "I'm not even late, but the last few days, I've just felt sort of... different. And I had this feeling. I thought, ppfftt, no, but I couldn't shake the Copyright 2016 - 2024