The Pagan Stone Page 0,90

now, can't you? It's like raw nerves on the air."

"It'll get worse. People coming into the Hollow for business or whatever else will suddenly change their minds. Others who planned to drive through on their way to somewhere else will decide to take a detour. Some of the locals will pack up and go away for a couple weeks. Some of those who stay will hunker down like people do to ride out a hurricane."

He scanned the roads as he drove, braced for any sign. A black dog, a boy. "People who decide they want out after July seventh, well, they won't be able to find their way out of town. They'll drive around in circles, scared, confused. If they try to call for help, mostly the calls won't go through."

He turned onto Cal 's lane. "There's a burning in the air, even before the fires start. Once they do, nobody's safe."

"They will be this time. Some will be safe out at Fox's family's farm. And when we end it, the air won't burn, Gage. And the fires will go out."

He shoved open the door of the truck, then looked back at her. "We'll get this stuff inside. Then-" He grabbed her hand, jerked her back as she opened her own door. "Stay in the truck."

"What? What is it? Oh my God."

She followed his direction and saw what slithered and writhed over Cal 's front deck.

"Copperheads," Gage told her. "Maybe a dozen or so."

"Poisonous. And that many? Yes, the truck's an excellent place to be." She drew her.22 out of her purse, but shook her head. "I don't suppose we can shoot them from here, especially with this."

He reached under the seat, took out his Luger. "This would do the job, but not from here. And shit, Cal will burn my ass if I put bullet holes in his house. I've got a better idea. Stay in the truck. I get bit, it'll piss me off. You get bit, you'll be out of commission-at the least."

"Good point. What's the better idea?"

"First, trade." He handed her the Luger, took the pistol. "Any other surprises, use it."

She tested the weight and feel of the gun in her hand as he stepped out of the truck. Since she had no choice but to trust him, she watched the snakes, and tried to remember what she knew about this specific species.

Poisonous, yes, but the bite was rarely fatal. Still, a few dozen bites might prove to be. They preferred rocky hill-sides, and weren't especially aggressive. Of course, they weren't usually driven mad by a demon either.

These would attack. She had no doubt of that.

On cue, several of the snakes lifted their triangular heads as Gage came around the house with a shovel.

A shovel? Cybil thought. The man had a gun but decided to use a damn shovel against a nest of crazed snakes. She started to lower the window, call out her opinion of his strategy, but he was striding up the steps, and straight into the slithering nest.

It was ugly. She'd always considered herself in possession of a strong stomach, but it rolled now as he smashed and beat and sliced. She couldn't count the number of times they struck at him, and knew despite his healing gift there was pain as fang pierced flesh.

When it was over, she swallowed hard and got out of the truck. He looked down at her, his face glistening with sweat. "That's it. I'll clean this up and bury them."

"I'll give you a hand."

"I've got it. You look a little green."

She passed a hand over her brow. "I'm embarrassed to admit I feel a little green. That was... Are you okay?"

"Got me a few times, but that's no big."

"Thank God we got here before Layla. I can help. I'll get another shovel."

"Cybil. I could really use some coffee."

She struggled a moment, then accepted the out he offered. "All right."

She didn't suppose there was any shame in averting her eyes from the mess of it as she went into the house. Why look if she didn't have to? In the kitchen she drank cold water, splashed a little on her face until her system re-settled. When the coffee was brewed, she carried it out to him where he dug a hole just inside the edge of the woods.

"This is turning into a kind of twisted pet cemetery," she commented. "Crazy Roscoe, and now a battalion of snakes. Take a break. I can dig. Really."

He traded her the shovel Copyright 2016 - 2024