Operation Endurance - By Christi Snow Page 0,95

them had cost them the last year and so much more emotional turmoil. Why would Julie want to hide their relationship now? That just didn’t make any sense. “Why? I thought what we had going here was something real and significant.”

“It is, Chris, but that doesn’t mean Cassie will see it that way.”

“She’s one of your best friends and my twin sister. Why wouldn’t she be thrilled for us?” He really didn’t understand the way a woman’s minds worked. This made no sense.

“She wasn’t happy about Penelope and Colton at first. I know that’s changed since, but she’s your twin sister and protective of you. Things are good right now between us. I’m just afraid that something’s going to mess that up. Let’s face it. We don’t have the luckiest of track records.” She chewed on her lip as she looked at the front of the house.

He gently kissed her forehead. He had to admit he had some of the same fears. Not about Cassie, obviously. She was his twin sister and he was pretty sure she was going to be thrilled. But he did share Julie’s concern about something ruining this for them. Everything was so fragile between them right now. He couldn’t lose her again.

“All Cassie wants is for me to be happy. You’re a huge part of that for me and she’ll see that. I promise you, there’s nothing to worry about here. She loves you and she loves me. She’s going to love that we’re together.”

He reached for her hand and tugged her toward him so he could lean down and kiss her. It was meant to be a gentle, sweet kiss, but when he tasted her, he couldn’t resist. Licking the crease of her lips, she quickly opened her mouth and drew him in, her tongue tangling with his like she may never get this chance again. He pulled her taut up against him and his cock hardened to the point of pain even though they’d just made love a few hours ago. He couldn’t imagine ever having enough of her.

The sound of a throat clearing sounded out over the yard and Julie stiffened within his arms. He didn’t let go of her, knowing who stood behind them. Instead, he whispered into her ear, “It’s okay, Butterfly. Trust me.”

He turned his head to see the smirk on his twin’s face.

“Hey, Cass,” he called out over the yard. He continued to hold Julie pressed up against the truck and wondered if Cassie would allow them a few minutes so that he might have the slightest chance of getting his erection under control.

He met Julie’s stricken gaze and pressed his hips against hers. “You wouldn’t want to give me a list of something really boring to help me get rid of this before Cassie notices it, would you?”

As Julie looked down toward the bulge in his jeans, he was happy to see a hint of amusement take over her face rather than the worry that had been there.

The corners of her lips twitched as she told him, “Sorry, I’ve already used my three for today.”

“You can only make three lists a day?” Okay, that was unexpected.

She nodded, but glanced over his shoulder. “Um, your sister’s coming.”

He closed his eyes for a moment before turning, placing Julie in front of him as he did so, just to hide any further humiliation. It was one thing to let Cassie know they were dating but she sure as hell didn’t need to see the evidence of his erection.

Cassie stopped about five feet away, crossed her arms, and cocked her hip while she looked at them with amusement. “I think you two must have some news to share with me, huh?”

He chuckled. “You can’t even wait until we get in the door?”

“Well, I wasn’t the one with the huge public display of affection out in the front yard. My poor neighbors are probably traumatized.”

Chris could see the red creeping up the back of Julie’s neck. He was going to kill Cassie. “I’m sure they’ve seen worse with you and Jake,” he replied drily as he rubbed Julie’s shoulder. “Speaking of Jake, where is he?”

“He’s out back, cooking on the grill. Come on in and we’ll go join him, then I need to hear how all this happened.” She looked curiously at the two of them, but then reached and pulled Julie out of his arms and into hers. “Girlfriend, you’ve been holding out on me, but that’s okay. Since it’s my

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