Operation Endurance - By Christi Snow Page 0,96

brother, I can forgive that.”

He smiled behind them. It was going to be okay.

* * *

A couple of hours later, Julie settled back against the heat of Chris’s chest on the lounge chair. They sat outdoors on Cassie’s terrace patio, enjoying the warmth of the evening and an after-dinner glass of wine.

“Since it looks like you all have been wrapped up in each other all weekend,” Cassie began, “then you probably haven’t heard the latest, have you?”

Julie frowned. “The latest on what?”

“The powers that be in the police department finally had to issue a public statement about the rapist. He’s now considered a serial killer. The last two victims they’ve found have been dead.”

A chill rolled down her spine. “This is awful. Do they have any leads yet? I can’t believe they let it go this long before announcing it. Did they say how many attacks there have been from this guy in total?”

Cassie pursed her lips and shook her head. “No, they aren’t admitting for sure that it’s the same guy. They simply said they think the two killings may be linked to a rash of rapes in the area, but they wouldn’t even confirm that for sure. The city officials are trying to cover their asses.”

Jake threaded his fingers through Cassie’s. “I know it’s selfish of me, but I’m happy you aren’t teaching the summer sessions this year, Cassie. With the college campus, there are too many women around for him to pick from. They’ve got to catch this guy.”

“Those poor girls. Can you imagine how terrifying that would be?” Julie had come close to that scenario once in her life. That’s why she trained so hard with her self-defense classes. “Thank goodness, I’m feeling well enough to go back to work and start my classes again.”

Chris leaned around to look at her. “I knew you were going back to work tomorrow, but I didn’t realize your self-defense classes were starting back up again, too. Are you sure you’re feeling up to that? I know your lungs aren’t completely healed yet.”

“It’s okay. Pete and the guys will cover for me where I may be physically lacking, but it’s too important for me not to be there, especially right now.”

If she could help one woman defend herself against this guy or a creep like him then every single one of her classes would be worth it.

Chapter 36

Monday morning. Julie hadn’t been to work in two weeks, and normally she wouldn’t be here this morning, either, since it was Memorial Day. But the rest of the physical therapy department had worked too hard to cover for her already. She figured the least she could do was come in and begin clearing some of the backlog of paperwork.

Today was going to be the real test for her OCD. Only three lists. Already this morning, she kept finding herself beginning them mentally. She knew it was just nerves and stress, knowing how much work she’d have to catch up on. When the need arose, she’d just have to continue to use Dr. Eckert’s method and talk through why she needed to make a list. Knowing she used the lists as a crutch helped her to work through the emotions causing her stress.

But knowing that didn’t help the twitching need in her fingers for a pen and paper when she spotted Dr. Shelby in her doorway scowling at her. “What are you doing here?”

“Um, working? I called Melody last week and let her know I’d be back in today.”

He ran a hand through his hair and looked frustrated, but she wasn’t sure if she was the source of that frustration or not. He closed his eyes for a moment and then refocused on her. “Are you okay? Are you sure you’re ready to be back at work?”

“I’m feeling good. Really, I’ve done almost nothing but sleep for the last two weeks and my recovery is showing it. I promise you, I’m much better than before.”

He studied her until she began to feel self-conscious. “There does seem to be something about you,” he mused. “Something else has changed besides your health. What did you do?”

She straightened her spine. “I asked for help. I’m seeing a therapist.”

A smile spread across his face. “Good. That’s really good. Don’t expect miracles. You’ll have some setbacks, but I’m proud of you. That first step is always the hardest.”

And just like that the ball in her stomach dissipated. “Thank you, sir.”

He gave a quick glance toward the stack of

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