Operation Endurance - By Christi Snow Page 0,91

close to his heart. He smiled internally over his poeticism. She made him feel all romantic and shit. No other girl had ever made him feel this way. He wanted to sweep her off her feet. Every. Single. Day.

She scrutinized him as they walked. “We have plans? It sounds like you’ve been keeping secrets.”

His stomach dropped. His eyes flew to hers but when he saw her teasing smile, he relaxed. Damn, he needed to stop keeping things from her. He needed to convince her they could be just as happy adopting, as long as they were together, but he needed time to work up to that.

When they got into the bathroom, he turned on the hot water and followed Julie and her luscious, tight body into the shower. She was so tiny. The top of her head met the bottom of his chin. It made her the perfect height to play with the nipples on his pecs and she took immediate advantage of that fact by smoothing kisses across his chest. Ah, yeah, this had been a good idea. He closed his eyes at the eroticism of Julie’s wet breasts pushed up against his abs and her hot lips on his nipples.

She worked her way across his chest, her eyes full of desire. She reached down and caressed the full, long length of his cock. Scars were a part of him now and as she fingered the ones that ran across his balls, he groaned. To have her play and love that area which had been so horribly abused was incredibly erotic and arousing. Taking her time to play with the moisture leaking out of the slit, she swirled her hand around the ridge at the top. His breathing ratcheted up a notch and she smiled in response.

His cock hardened to pure steel. It was time to get this show on the road. He grabbed the shower gel and began to soap up his hands and then set to work on Julie’s body. She was moaning and very soapy by the time he was through with her front. One of her legs wrapped around his waist as he worked, and she rubbed against him. God, she was sexy like this.

He turned her around so that he could give an equal soaping to her backside, pausing to thoroughly clean her slit and apply a little teasing of his own. Hmm, soap was a very good thing he thought as a slippery nipple slid against his arm. He applied suds down the full length of her legs, paying particular attention to her ass. Suddenly he came face to face with her tattoo. He hadn’t gotten to examine it closely yet.

As he did so now, she suddenly tensed under his hands.

He wrapped his right hand around her waist and her silky folds fluttered against the edge of his cock while he explored the tattoo with his left hand. It was a gorgeous piece of ink. The outline and details had all been done in black, and the interior coloring had been done with variegated shades of purple. He traced the wings with his finger. The tattoo was large for even a normal tattoo. It started in the middle of her back and went all the way down to her waist. To know that quiet little Julie had gotten it was a puzzle.

Aware that she’d gone completely rigid in his arms, he traced his fingers up her spine to the nape of her neck hoping to help her relax, but continued to admire the butterfly. Then he saw it. At the base of the right wing, was the date, May 10. The day he died. His breath caught as shock shuddered through him. She hadn’t forgotten him. Oh God, this tattoo was a memorial to him.

Suddenly he needed to be inside her desperately. He turned her toward him. Her eyes were wary, but when he lifted her up to kiss her, she wrapped her legs and arms around him and clung like she’d never let him go again. Seemingly just as frantic, she reached between them and positioned his shaft so he was lined up perfectly with her entrance. She slid down his chest, impaling herself on his hard cock. They both groaned at the sensation.

Moving so that she was pressed up against the tile wall of the shower, he powered into her, shudders of desire traveling the length of his spine. Before he had time to even think about what they were doing,

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