Operation Endurance - By Christi Snow Page 0,92

she began to shatter around him with screams and rasps of breath. The gush of hot moisture and the clenching of her womb were too much for his already fragile control. It shattered and his cock released into her with pulsing bursts of pleasure.

He leaned his forehead against the cold tile trying to find the energy to pull out of her and set her back down, but after that cataclysmic orgasm, it wasn’t going to happen yet. His breath sawed in and out in sharp pants. He nuzzled behind her ear. “I’m sorry,” he panted. “I didn’t mean to be so rough with you.”

“Oh, baby, you didn’t hear me complaining. That was incredible. I’ll shower with you any day. Feel free to wake me up again.”

He finally found the energy to lift up his head to look into her eyes and smile.

She lifted a hand to the side of his face and brushed at the moisture there.

Emotions quaked through him. He’d come so close to losing all this, to losing her. It was a miracle to be here, inside her.

Her eyes widened as his cock hardened within her. “Already?” she squeaked.

“What can I say? You inspire me to new heights, but how about we move to the bed this time?”

After their second go, Julie dozed back off. Chris knew they needed to get going, but she’d earned a catnap. He was happy just to lay here with her in his arms. As she settled further into sleep, she rolled over and he was able to look at the tattoo again.

But as he looked at the tattoo again, he realized something. The date of his death wasn’t the only date on there. There was another, April 6. What did that mean?

* * *

Julie eyed Chris suspiciously as he dragged her in front of his garage. He was being very secretive about their plans for the day, but his eyes were alight with joy. If it made him this happy, she could deal with a surprise.

He reached down for the handle of the garage door, but then paused, looking nervous. “Yesterday while you were at your doctor’s appointment, I bought a new toy. I thought it might be something fun we could do together, but if you aren’t feeling up to it, that’s okay. It can wait.”

“Chris, I’m fine, but the suspense is killing me. Open it already.”

The smile he flashed her was so full of joy, she imagined that was how he’d have looked as a little boy, his eyes full of mischief and happiness, his mop of golden hair messy from play, and freckles across the bridge of his nose. She’d heard so many stories about him and the troubles he got into as a kid with Jake and Cassie.

She smiled at the thought, but it was replaced with a vision of what his son would look like. A sudden wave of sadness overcame her. She wouldn’t be able to give him that son, but she pushed it aside. Today was about happiness.

He tugged the garage door up to reveal a brand new Harley-Davidson motorcycle. She looked toward him in surprise. “You bought a motorcycle?”

His grin spread from ear to ear. “I did. I thought you might like to go out riding.”

That was the one part of flamboyant purple-haired Julie that she hadn’t been able to let go of. She really loved the freedom of riding her motorcycle.

She ran her hand down the length of the new blacked-out V-rod, Night Rod Special. It was so sexy. “Wow, this is really gorgeous. You’re going to look incredibly hot riding it.” She wrapped one hand around his neck to pull him down for a kiss. The fingers of the other hand threaded through the belt loop of his jeans to pull his hips up against hers.

After the kiss ended, his eyes sparked with desire and anticipation. “So does that mean you’re okay with going out for a ride today?”

“Oh, hell yeah. Just let me go get my leathers on.”

He snagged her by the waist and pulled her back toward him, his sapphire eyes navy with desire. “Did you just say you have leathers?” His voice cracked.

“You’ll never find out if you don’t let me go,” she teased, although judging from the bulge in the front of his jeans, it probably wasn’t necessary. He was already pretty worked up. Just imagine what he’d be like after the vibration of riding. She licked her lips and then licked his before dashing back into the

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