Operation Endurance - By Christi Snow Page 0,64

checked out in the morning. I’m counting on you to take care of her. If she ends up back in the hospital again, I will come back down here and kick your ass. Be at the hospital at 9:00 AM tomorrow.”

She rose and started toward the door, but now she turned back to him. “Oh, and a word of advice, if you can keep her from making her lists, she may actually be forced to talk to you. That would be good for both of you. Don’t let her make lists.”

And with that, she walked out leaving Chris sitting in his grandfather’s chair, stunned. What had just happened here? He was pretty sure he’d just been set up. Was that a good thing or a bad thing? He had no idea.

Chapter 24

When Chris arrived at the hospital the next morning, Rachel was still in Julie’s room. Julie was dressed in her own clothing rather than a hospital gown and it just emphasized how much more weight she’d lost when she didn’t have any to spare to begin with. She still had dark circles under her eyes, but her skin was back to a healthier glow he’d worried he’d never see again.

Rachel gave him a beaming smile. “You made it. Good.”

He hadn’t been given much choice and from the confused look on Julie’s face, she wasn’t expecting him.

Her brow furrowed when she turned to Rachel. “What’s going on? Why are you acting like you expected him?”

“He’s going to take you home and make sure you get well.” Rachel said.

Julie’s mouth dropped open. “Chris? Chris is going to help me out? I thought you were staying.”

Rachel’s eyes filled with a remorse that Chris just couldn’t believe after their little chat the night before. “I’ve had an emergency with one of my patients. I’m sorry, hon, but I have to head back immediately.” With that she gave Julie a quick hug, a whispered, “get well,” and scrambled out of the room, leaving Chris to face a sputtering Julie.

She turned dismayed eyes on him. He wrapped an arm around her fragile shoulder. “Oh come on. It won’t be that bad. Once upon a time, you even liked me. I’m sure you’ll survive this too. Has the doctor given you clearance to go home?” He grabbed the papers out of her hand while she continued to stare at him. He looked them over. “Oh, good. This looks like everything I need to know. I’ll just go grab a nurse and your wheelchair and we can go home.”

* * *

What the hell had just happened here? As Chris went to go find a wheelchair, Julie scrambled to find her cell phone in her purse. She dialed her sister’s number.

There wasn’t even a greeting on the other end when Rachel answered. “Julie, go home with him. Let him take care of you. He wants the job. Let him do it. I’ll call you in a few days. Feel better, hon.” Then there was a click as Rachel hung up on her.

Julie just stood there staring at her cell phone with her mouth hanging open. How was this supposed to work? Rachel had said she was staying to help take care of her. The pneumonia had wiped her energy reserves out, but she couldn’t ask Chris to care for her for the next several days. Damn, Rachel had promised her clean hair. How was that supposed to happen with Chris? He couldn’t wash her hair, although a shiver of desire swept up her spine as she considered it— her naked, him with his hands on her hair, on her back, on her sides. She sat abruptly back down on the bed as her knees went weak. Oh no, this was such a bad idea.

Her mind reeled as Chris came back in with a blinding smile and a nurse pushing the wheelchair. Did he honestly think this would work? “Chris, I don’t think this—”

He grabbed her hand and pulled her to the waiting wheelchair. “It will be fine. Trust me. I’m going to take care of you. I know I was supposed to do that before, but I promise I won’t let you down this time.” His voice cracked at the end.

Julie swung her head around to look at him, trying to figure out what was going through his head, but he just gave her a gentle smile that belied the emotion she’d just heard in his voice. The warmth in his eyes helped to allay her fears.

After they

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