Operation Endurance - By Christi Snow Page 0,63

going be there. It was time to take back control of his life. He owed it to himself. Any hopes for future happiness depended on being able to accept and move on from what happened. He had a life to live and a future at stake. He wasn’t going to give up on it. On them.

* * *

As Chris unlocked the door to his house, he mused over the meeting. It had been good to be around other veterans and others who were suffering from similar issues as him. He still wasn’t comfortable with the whole “touchy-feely share your feelings with the group” thing, but could see how this could help. He certainly wasn’t alone in the fact that he was haunted by events in his past.

He hadn’t realized how much he missed the camaraderie of being around military guys. Colton, Jake, and Mick were also former military, but their connection was through their friendship that had existed before, not the military, so his connections at the meeting had a different feel to them, one he had missed.

He’d also talked to a couple of guys who were interested in what Mad Rob was doing, especially with their jump school. He’d have to talk to Jake and see what they could do with the local former military guys who already had the training. This could be good for all of them.

Pulling out a sheet of paper, he began taking notes when his doorbell rang.

Opening his door, he was surprised to find Rachel, Julie’s sister, standing there. Immediately he panicked. “Rachel? Did something happen with Julie?”

She shook her head. “No, but there is an issue I need to talk with you about. Can I come in?”

“Oh, sure.” He stepped back and held the door open for her. “Come on in.” He followed her into the house. She glanced around his place.

Rachel was physically very different from Julie and if he hadn’t known they were sisters, he certainly wouldn’t have guessed it by looking at them. Where Julie was tiny and petite, Rachel was taller with a curvy womanly figure. Where Julie had gotten the breasts in the family, Rachel had received the hips. She had curly auburn hair that she was constantly taming into a tight pony tail or bun. The only thing they had in common were their hazel eyes.

Rachel tended to be way too serious all the time. If Chris had to guess, a lot of that was because of her career as a psychologist. No joking around there. Julie always talked about Rachel being the perfect child in their family, but Chris had a feeling that Rachel didn’t feel the same way. She seemed just as hard on herself as Julie. She just channeled it differently.

“This is just like Julie’s place, isn’t it?”

He startled, realizing she was talking about his floor plan. “Yeah, it’s just the mirror of her’s. Can I get you something to drink?”

“No, I’m fine.” She sat down on the couch and watched him as he did the same. Suddenly, he felt very self-conscious.

Her gaze was very direct when she asked, “Did you have an affair with my sister?”

“What?” he sputtered. “Why would you ask that?”

“Hmm, asking me questions is an effective way to avoid the question, but I would like to have an answer.”

“Listen, I don’t know what Julie has told you—”

“Nothing, that’s why I’m here talking to you. I need to know if I can trust you and right now, I’m just not positive what I’m thinking is the best idea for her.”

There was no doubt this woman was a therapist. He had no idea what she was after, but he wasn’t going to betray Julie’s secrets. “Listen, I don’t know what you want to know. I care about your sister a lot and would never do anything to purposefully hurt her. She means a lot to me. I’ve definitely made mistakes in my relationship with her, but that’s between her and me.”

She stared at him for a moment as if trying to delve into his soul. Then she gave a sharp nod. “Okay, I’m convinced. I’m pretty sure I know what happened between the two of you regardless. You’re both so damn stubborn. But you know, I think that’s going to eventually work in your favor. She’s worth the effort and from what I’ve seen of you this week, so are you. But that’s something you need to discover together. To that end, I’m going home tomorrow. The doctor says Julie will be

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