Operation Endurance - By Christi Snow Page 0,65

settled into his truck, she could already feel her energy flagging.

Chris turned to her. “It’s almost lunch time. Do you want to drive through somewhere for food on the way home?”

She still didn’t have much of an appetite, but knew it was important to keep eating so she could get her strength back up. “Okay, that sounds good, but I don’t want anything real heavy.”

He thought for a moment. “How about we go get sandwiches from Marty’s?”

Her mouth immediately started watering. So much for not having an appetite. “Oh, yum. I’d kill for one of his California Clubs.”

Chris chuckled low and tendrils of desire swept through her girly parts. She never would have guessed that she had the energy to even think those kinds of thoughts right now. Chris had always been able to get her stirred up.

“I don’t think any bloodshed will be necessary. I haven’t been by since I’ve been back. It does sound good, doesn’t it? Marty makes the best pastrami on rye in Texas, I swear.”

As they pulled through the drive-through an older woman worked the cash register at the window. She was talking to the workers inside when she turned to take Chris’s money. As she glanced at him, she took a double take and then squealed. “Christopher Robertson, is that you?”

“Hi, Babs. How are you doing?”

“Why are you in my drive-through rather than inside where I can give you a proper hug?” She raised an eyebrow at him and scolded, “You’ve lost weight. You need to come by and let me feed you more often.”

He smiled at her lovingly. “I’m sorry, Babs. My friend here,” he gestured toward Julie and she waved and smiled at the grandmotherly-type lady, “just got out of the hospital. I knew your food was the best chance she has at a full recovery, so we came by on the way home.”

“You always were a flatterer, Christopher.” She waved her hand at the money he still held toward her. “Put that away. You know it’s no good here.” She passed the food across the gap between the window and the truck and took the moment to caress his cheek. “You take care of your pretty friend, but I expect to see both of you back here in the next few days—inside—where I can give you a proper hug.”

“Yes, ma’am. Is Marty here?”

“Not right now, hon, but you call before you come back and we’ll both be here to take care of you properly.”

“Thanks, Babs.”

Julie smirked at him as they left the drive through. “I had no idea you were such a sandwich fan.”

His eyes were warm as he said, “I worked for Marty and Babs through high school. They’re great. They gave me a job and fed me on a regular basis.”

Julie inhaled the delicious aromas coming from the bag as what he said sunk in. She swung her excited gaze toward him. “No way, you worked there. Tell me that means you know what Marty’s secret ingredient is in his coleslaw. I’ve been after him for years to tell me and he refuses to budge.”

He cocked an eyebrow at her. “Hmm, I just might have that information, but it sounds like it may be worth something. I think we need to negotiate for this. What’s it worth to you?”

“Seriously, as sick as I’ve been,” she did a little fake cough, “you’re going to make me pay for it?”

He shook his head as he smirked. “Oh, you are just pathetic.”

She gave him a saucy look. “But you love me anyway.”

He spoke a quiet, “Yeah, I do.”

Julie’s eyes widened and panic zinged through her system. Did he just say what she thought he did? What did that mean? He’d never acted like he had deep feelings for her since he’d come back. What had changed?

The truck got really quiet and Julie peeked at Chris surreptitiously through her lashes. He’d gotten very still, with a tight grip on the steering wheel.

Aaron had said that everything happened for a reason. The last year had been hell for both of them, but had there been a higher reason for that? It boggled her mind. She’d almost given up on ever having a chance at a future with Chris.

He had to have just been joking around, but what if he wasn’t?

Anticipation swept through her. Maybe, just maybe. She looked out the window and started a mental list of things that she needed to do once she got home.

* * *

Things remained stilted between the two

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