Operation Endurance - By Christi Snow Page 0,38

moment before turning their attention back to the subject at hand.

Colton sighed deeply. “Well, if there’s anything I’ve learned from being involved with Penelope it’s that I had no idea what girls truly think and want. Honestly, look at those books she writes. Not that I’m complaining, but would you all have guessed girls like that type of thing?” Penelope wrote erotic romance and Chris still believed that made Colton one lucky bastard.

They all shook their heads.

Colton continued with a deep sigh. “I really think girls like the same things we do. They’re just better at hiding the fact.”

Chris looked around the strip club with a renewed eye and felt no interest whatsoever. Guys, himself included, normally loved places like this. Tonight, he didn’t even care. He took a long draw off his ice-cold beer. When had he become the guy not interested? Once upon a time, he’d have already had three phone numbers in his pocket and a scantily clad girl on his lap at this point in the evening. Would he ever get that part of himself back?

Unexpectedly, he pictured Julie as she looked earlier tonight in that little black dress. Thoughts of her were so much more enticing than these girls.

He looked back over at the other two guys, who really didn’t seem to be having a good time. This was not the way this evening was supposed to be going. It was time for a change in venue. “Hey guys, let’s get out of here. I have a better idea.”

* * *

As Jake finished closing the last carabineer on his harness, he clapped Chris on the shoulder. “You realize if I die or end up maimed tonight, you’ll have to take the responsibility for it with Cassie, right?”

All three looked up the side of the five story rock wall they were about to climb. They’d made a detour by Mad Rob to change into workout clothes and then headed toward the climbing place that had just opened. This kind of evening was more their speed. A little friendly competition would be good to help all three of them with the tension. They were all harnessed up and just waiting for the go signal to race up the side of the mammoth wall. The goal was the bell at the top. The first to ring it would have free drinks the rest of the night courtesy of the two losers.

Chris turned back to Jake and smirked. “Don’t tell me you’re worried about that little wall. You jump out of planes for a living. I think you can handle this.”

“Oh, I can handle it. I’m just not sure you’re up for it.”

“I’m gonna kick both your asses when I get to the top first,” Colton taunted. “And by the way, I plan to drink top-shelf for the rest of the night so I hope you boys are ready to ante up.” Colton rubbed his fingers together showing how much it was going to cost them if they lost.

Chris had to admit they probably would be buying his drinks. Colt had two things going for him: incredible upper body strength and height which would provide him good leverage when pulling up the wall.

As they’d been talking smack, a group of college-aged kids had formed around the wall to watch them. Chris chuckled when he saw a couple of handshakes that looked like side bets going on.

Chris glanced down at his knee. This was going to be a test to see just how healed it was. He was on one end of the wall, Colton was on the other, and Jake was in the middle. They were all just waiting for the signal to go.

The crew from the facility did one last check of their harnesses and then signaled for them to begin. Chris lunged for the wall, reaching as high as he could for the finger holds, quickly finding purchase. Slowly he pushed himself from the bottom. Within three moves, his shoulders and thighs were burning from the unusual physical activity. His stitches pulled as he stretched across the rock wall face. He glanced across at Jake and Colton, who were both slightly ahead of him. He could see their muscles straining, too, so he didn’t feel quite so bad about the burn. He looked back up the wall, planning his next few moves as he inched further up. Within, three moves, he was going to have an issue. There was an overhang there that was going to be

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