Operation Endurance - By Christi Snow Page 0,37

all of us are family by choice. We love you guys and we’re so happy and thankful you’re here to share our happiness with us, tonight and tomorrow. So now we want to propose a toast to you, our friends.”

They all lifted their glasses. Jake first clinked with Cassie’s and then with everyone else’s. This was it. After so many years as his best friend, Jake was finally going to be a member of his family. It was a bit surreal, but in such a good way.

When everyone finished their drinks, Jake pulled Cassie back into his arms. Everyone had been moving like they were headed toward the two limos that had been hired for the evening, but Jake obviously wasn’t ready to let Cassie go yet.

“So where are you girls headed tonight?” Jake nuzzled along the back of Cassie’s neck while he waited for her answer.

Penelope, seeing that Cassie was distracted, answered, “Oh, we have the same kind of game plan that you all do.”

Jake’s head snapped up. “What do you mean?”

A frown marred Colton’s forehead.

Penelope flipped her hair. Uh oh, that was never a good sign. “Well,” she said, as if she were talking to a small child, “it’s the night before the wedding. If I understand it correctly, you all are going to a strip club.” She exchanged a glance with Julie and Cassie.

Chris wasn’t sure if they were in trouble or not, but this sure didn’t feel right. Suddenly he had ice flowing through his veins. All the men had frozen.

Penelope smiled sweetly. “We’re doing the same. There’s an all-male review club down by the Depot that I’ve heard great things about. We have reservations there.”

“Oh, hell no!” Chris exclaimed, shocked. He was as surprised as everyone else at his outburst, but seriously, this was their plan for the evening? Why weren’t they going to that nice girly wine bar they all liked so much? They couldn’t want to go watch guys strip, could they? He looked at Colton and Jake and could see they felt exactly the same way.

Cassie took a step out of Jake’s embrace toward Chris. She put her hands on her hips. “And why the hell not? If you all can go to a strip club, then why can’t we?”

“Because…” he sputtered. He had no idea. He just knew that they couldn’t do that. It was wrong. No way in hell should the girls go out to watch other guys wave around their dicks. But he could see from the angry looks on all three of the girl’s faces that his argument wasn’t going to win him any fans.

He turned for reinforcements from the other two guys, but they’d already seen the girls’ reactions and obviously sucked their balls inside their body cavity, because there wasn’t any help coming from them. He looked at the two of them and muttered, “You have got to be kidding me. You two are whipped.” He turned back to the girls who were moving toward the front door, and gestured toward their purses. “Take care of those. Someday, these guys will want their balls back so don’t misplace them while you’re out ogling someone else’s junk.” He gave another disgusted look toward Colton and Jake and stalked toward the kitchen. He needed something stronger than champagne if he was going to make it through this night.

* * *

Chris expelled a harsh chuckle as he looked at his two morose friends. There was no doubt about it, these guys were whipped. The three of them were sitting in the middle of the nicest strip club in Lubbock, the music pulsing around them along with the naked bodies of several gorgeous women. Neither of the other two guys even glanced up at all the naked flesh. They continued to discuss the women’s plan for tonight with no small measure of disbelief.

Jake asked Colton, “Did you have any idea that was their plan for tonight?”

Colton scowled. “If I’d known, don’t you think I would have done something to change it?”

Chris couldn’t hold in his bark of laughter at that, which caused Colton to turn his scowl on him and thump him in the head. “I didn’t ask for your opinion.”

Chris just smirked at him, before he recalled exactly what they were discussing again. “Do girls really like to do that type of thing? Watching guys dance around naked?”

Jake frowned and he glanced up the naked girl working the pole in front of them. They all watched her for a

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