Operation Endurance - By Christi Snow Page 0,39

a bitch to maneuver. His knee screamed at him, unused to the contortions he had to put it through for this.

He began to mentally plot his moves so that his right leg would take the brunt of the climbing exertions rather than his bad left one. The sweat rolled down his spine. He’d finally climbed high enough that it was quiet except for Jake and Colton’s labored breathing, both focused on winning.

Colton called across the chasm, “This probably wasn’t a good idea. Do you hear the way Jake is huffing and puffing? He’s gonna be too tired to get it up on his wedding night.”

“Fuck you, old man. I’ll show you worn out when I beat your ass to the top,” Jake responded.

Chris just laughed, but continued to climb. Maybe they’d get focused enough on giving each other shit and he might have a chance to beat both of them. Honestly he was surprised that he was still hanging in with them. At this point, he’d really figured he’d be miles behind them. Maybe all that physical therapy was finally doing some good.

The muscles in both his shoulders and thighs were trembling from the effort, but he was closing in on the top of the wall. Another two moves and he might just be able to reach that bell.

Chris heard a bellow of frustration come from Colton and gasps arise from the crowd below. He peered over his shoulder to see Colt swinging from his harness. Chris’s balls tensed in commiseration. Damn, that probably didn’t feel so hot, but other than the emasculating binding of the harness at his crotch, Colton seemed to be okay, just really frustrated.

But while Chris was checking to make sure Colton wasn’t plunging to a bloody death, Jake took advantage. The bell rang out over the building. Chris heaved a sigh against his arm, working to convince his muscles to move again, and then pulled himself up the final two handholds to reach the top.

As the guys heaved themselves back into the limo, they were in much better spirits than they had been after the strip club. They’d showered and changed in the locker room at the rock-climbing gym and now looked like they were ready to head back out on the town.

Chris grinned as Colton sat and rearranged his balls, which had to be throbbing from that strangling harness. “You’ll probably want Penelope to ice those for you later.”

Colton grimaced. “I don’t think I want Pen anywhere near my balls tonight. Goddamn, that was seriously not cool.” He looked down at his watch and ignored the smirks from Jake and Chris. “We still have a couple of hours before we’re supposed to meet up with the girls. Shall we go buy this guy the drinks we owe him?”

“I think so and maybe a little liquor will help numb you up, too.”

“We can only hope,” Colton muttered.

* * *

By the time they caught up with the girls, none of the guys were feeling any pain. The girls were definitely in better shape. In fact, to Chris’s soused brain, it seemed like they were all perfectly sober. That didn’t seem right. Didn’t girls get drunk the night before a wedding, too?

They appeared to have developed a cease-fire agreement sometime during the night, too, because no one mentioned the girls’ visit to the male review club. Now, everyone was back to being all lovey-dovey. You would never guess the other two couples had only been apart for a few hours from the way they acted.

It left things really uncomfortable for Julie and him, but as he looked over at her, he could see the exhaustion pulling at her. She wasn’t well enough yet to miss out on this much sleep. He sidled over to her. “Are you about ready to head out?” he whispered.

Relief showed through her expression as she nodded and then glanced toward the other two couples.

He continued, “I don’t think they’re going to miss us if we leave.”

She nodded and then led them over to say goodnight to Cassie and Jake.

As they exited the house, she placed her palm in front of him. “Keys, please.” He handed them over without question, knowing he wasn’t in any shape to drive.

“Did you drink anything at all tonight?” He studied her, but couldn’t see the effects of any alcohol.

She shook her head. “Not really. I had a sip of the champagne before we left and then half a glass of wine while we were out. Cold medicine

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