Operation Endurance - By Christi Snow Page 0,108

me insane. It’s fucking perfect.”

She bucked underneath him. “Chris, you aren’t being very nice. Well, actually you’re being incredibly nice, but I need you to be nice in another way. Chris,” her voice lowered seductively, “I need you to be nice inside of me.”

“Hmm, I do think I can do that.” He slid up her, stopping for a moment to pay some attention to her breasts and then gradually eased inside her, one torturous inch at a time. They were both groaning by the time he was fully seated.

As soon as his groin met her clit, she began to clench around him. He held still and enjoyed the pure rapture as the currents of electricity zinged down his spine. His forehead leaned up against hers as she regained her ability to breathe. Still holding in position, he asked, “Are you okay?”

“Oh yeah, I’m good. Now it’s time to take care of you.” She moved her ankles further up his back and twisted her hips up against his.

He shuddered as ecstasy slammed through his every sense. His hips snapped against hers as control shredded and instinct took over. She opened her gorgeous hazel eyes, the love shining there slaying him. He leaned down and kissed her, pouring all his love into the gesture as his tongue tangled with hers. She orgasmed for a second time and the convulsing of her walls dragged him down with her. His cock pulsed inside her hot, silken passage as wave after wave of delicious release barreled out of his shaft and into her. He couldn’t hold back the deep groan his release brought.

Finally spent, he rolled over onto his back, pulling her onto his chest. He lay there catching his breath and rubbing his hand up her back. Tears rolled onto his chest. He sat up and lifted her chin to look at him. The tears spilling over her lashes broke his heart.

“I didn’t think I’d ever feel this again today. I never thought I’d get to feel your arms around me again. I thought I was going to die.” Silent tears racked her and he pulled her tight into his embrace.

“It’s okay. You’re safe now and I’ll do everything to make sure you stay that way for the rest of your life. You took ten years off of mine today when I realized you were in that house. I never want to go through that again.” He kissed her softly on the top of her head just above her stitches. “Try to go to sleep now and I’ll work to keep the nightmares at bay. You’ve taken away my nightmares. Let me do the same for you.”

Slowly she relaxed against him, but he didn’t release his hold on her. He never wanted to let her go again.

Chapter 41

Julie glanced up in surprise when Chris threaded his hand through hers as they walked up to the office building. He hadn’t strayed far from her side since he’d found her at Pete’s. Chris’s hovering helped her to feel safe and he seemed to need the reassurance of her presence just as much as she needed his. The attack yesterday had shaken them both.

That was the reason she was here today. It had been so tempting this morning to hide out at Chris’s house and ignore what happened from the safety of his embrace. But that wasn’t the healthy thing to do, so here she was, keeping her therapy appointment. The difference was Chris came with her—he just planned to wait for her in the reception area. Neither one of them were ready to separate from the other yet, even for only an hour.

Chris gave her hand a gentle squeeze when the receptionist told her that Dr. Eckert was ready for her. “I’ll be waiting right here when you’re done,” he told her.

That right there helped to give her the strength to walk across the room and into Dr. Eckert’s office to talk about one of the worst days in her life.

Dr. Eckert sat at his desk, writing, when Julie entered the room. He stood and came around his desk to usher her to the chair. He looked her over with a clinical but kind eye, taking in the red welts around her wrists and the purple and black bruise on the side of her head.

He stood, holding her hands for a moment in reassurance. “I know what’s happened and we’re going to talk about it, but you need to know, I’ve cleared my schedule this afternoon.

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