Operation Endurance - By Christi Snow Page 0,107

voice was thick and groggy with sleep as she reached for him. A moment later though, her eyes widened with fright as the memories of the day crashed down on her.

“Shh, it’s okay. You’re safe now. Come on. Let’s go inside.”

He ushered her into his house, but she paused at the doorway to his bedroom. She glanced around the room frantically.

Chris rubbed up and down her back, feeling helpless because he didn’t know what to do to help her.

Turning toward him, she whispered. “I’m so cold, but I need to be clean.” Her voice hitched. “Please can we take a shower?”

She said we. That was a good sign, right? “Absolutely, Butterfly. Anything you need.”

In the bathroom, he turned on the water in the shower to as warm as he thought she could take it and then gently helped her undress. She continued to quake. He knew a lot of it was a result of the aftereffects of adrenaline and pain.

He had her down to her panties and bra when she began tugging at his t-shirt. Holding her hand still against his chest, he asked, “Are you sure you want me in there with you?”

For the first time all evening, she truly met his gaze. “I need you. I can feel his breath and his weight on me. I need you to help me erase that feeling. Replace it.” Her voice pleaded.

Knowing that if he tried to speak, his voice wouldn’t cooperate, he simply nodded and began to pull off his clothes. When he got down to his underwear, he glanced at her again just to make sure this was still what she wanted. Fierce determination glinted through the tears in her eyes. His Butterfly was resilient.

He pulled off his underwear and then unfastened her bra. As it fell off her shoulders, the full extent to the bruising on her torso was livid in the purple, blue, and green colored patches across her fair skin. He hissed in a harsh breath and clenched his jaw as anger surged through his system.

She cupped his cheek, concerned. “I don’t know what they told you at the hospital, but you need to know. He didn’t get the chance to rape me. Toni killed him before he did.”

Relief surged through him and he wondered if his legs were going to continue holding him up. Tears filled his eyes as he drew her against his chest and kissed her forehead. “Remind me next week to give Toni a raise.”

She gave a watery laugh, pulled off her panties, and then tugged him into the shower with her.

She scrubbed the soap over every inch of her body for five minutes before he couldn’t watch the abuse anymore. He took the soap out of her hands and began to work it over her in a slow, methodical, massaging manner. As he slid the soap over her, he followed with his lips, caressing the bruises and marks on her, including extra care around her shredded and torn wrists and ankles where she’d been bound.

He wanted to worship and love every part of her, but she had other ideas. She pulled him up off the tile floor where he’d been kneeling to demand, “Chris, make love to me.”

Up to this point, this had been all about healing her and making her feel better. As with anytime he was near her naked flesh, he’d been aroused, but with that simple sentence, his cock now went rock-hard with need. He needed to show her how much she meant to him. How much he loved her.

Tugging her out of the shower, he wrapped her in a towel and spent long, erotic moments drying every nook and cranny, and then re-wetting it again with his tongue. By the time they made it to the bedroom, she was moaning and writhing up against him. “Now, Chris, now. I need you inside me.”

Slowly he eased up over her as he laid her back on the bed. Starting at her feet, he kissed her, tasting the arch of one foot and then the other and then nibbling at her toes in turn. He skimmed his tongue along the curve of her calf and settled behind her knee where he discovered she had a tiny ticklish spot. He spread his large hands up the inside of her long, toned legs, feeling them flex and twist under his caress. When he reached the apex of her thighs, he inhaled her unique scent of jasmine and pear. “Butterfly, your scent drives

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