O'Brien's Lady - By Marsha Doss Page 0,10

with a napkin.

Michael began twisting a strand of her hair around his finger as he leaned closer to her. His hands moved slowly, sensually and then his fingers slid to her neck, which he touched ever so gently, massaging in slow circular movements. Sonny opened her mouth to protest, but his rough, calloused hand was on the side of her face. Every pore became sensitized to his touch, and she was instantly aware that these were not the smooth graceful fingers of Pierre Dubois.

She moved her arm and grasped his wrist with fingers that felt weak and trembling, hoping he would stop, half-hoping he would not.

"Michael…no." Her voice was thick and her eyes betrayed the protest. They were ignited with the fire of passion that only Michael could see and feel. Blue flames shown beneath thick dark lashes and he knew that he wanted her more now than he had ever wanted another woman in his life.

Michael drew her close to him, crushing her against his tight chest, his lips bearing down on hers with a crushing forcefulness that he could not control. His need was over powering and he must have her. As Sonny's lips responded to the fire that Michael had ignited within her, they slowly parted and her arms were around him, pressing against the rippling muscles of his back.

A slow agonizing moan came from Michael's throat as his tongue tasted the sweetness of her responsiveness and her breathing came in deep heaves. Michael had dreamed of her softness and the moment when she would be his, but he did not want her this way. He wanted Sondra Mead in his own world, and not just for a moment's passion. He wanted her for always, to be there when he awoke in the morning, to cradle in his arms at night. But, until she could accept herself and Pinebrook, she would not be able to accept her life with him.

Michael gently released her, feeling her body shiver as he did so. "I think you've had enough for today, Sonny. Go on home."

Michael's words were harsh as he pulled himself away. His face was flushed and his eyes burned with the hunger that filled his soul. Sonny's mouth was still parted and glistening with the touch of his kiss. Confused and angered by his sudden withdrawal, she raised her hand to slap him hard across the face.

Something she had never done before to any man.

"I am home, Michael. You forget my father owned this cottage."

"Which is now half mine."

"Not for long. I'll see to it that you get nothing."

"Or everything." Michael's voice was firm but calm, and Sonny jumped to her feet.

"I'll fight you all the way on this. And I'll win." She turned to leave and he did nothing to stop her.

Michael knew that Sonny was tired from the morning's work, and as his eyes followed her, he wondered how long she could endure this life that she knew nothing of and cared little for. Would she take the lead at the starting gate, or would she go slowly round the curves, never making it to the end? He was a betting man and he was placing his life on this one, hoping she would pick up speed down the stretch and finish like the champion he knew her to be.


Sonny trudged up the hill to the sanctuary of her own house. Her mouth still burned with the memory of Michael's kiss. She dug into the dirt path with the toe of her boot, kicking rocks and pebbles that lay in her path. You've really made a mess of things today, she told herself. She had planned to be tough and show him what she was made of, and all she had managed to do was give in to exhaustion and end up in Michael's arms. Not a very good beginning.

Michael was on familiar ground and she wasn't.Her father had dealt the hand and Michael held all of the cards. All she could do was to hang on and stand her ground. After all, Pinebrook was rightfully hers and Michael O'Brien had no right to any part of it.

Her father had been misled, or charmed…or he would never have written in this ridiculous agreement.

As the house came into view, Sonny felt a wave of warmth come over her. Just a few more steps and she could enjoy a hot bath, which was something that she needed desperately. Every muscle in her back ached and her arms

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