O'Brien's Lady - By Marsha Doss Page 0,9

and that makes us the proud owners of a good runner. Right?"

Michael smiled at Sonny's lack of knowledge.

He had been raised around the Thoroughbreds, so all of

this was just matter-of-fact to him. He could see from the expression in Sonny's blue eyes that he had caught her interest.

"Wrong. The charts can only tell what might happen. There are no guarantees. We just make the calculations and wait."

"You make it sound so scientific…charts, calculations and all that." When Sonny saw Michael's eyes watching her approvingly she was suddenly aware that her hair must be a mess and her make-up ruined. If Pierre could see her now, he wouldn't believe it.

"Not scientific, Sonny. Just risky and exciting. It's that one great champion we're all looking for."

Gently Michael ushered Sonny out to the exercise ring, where she saw the most beautiful, magnificent horse standing near the white fence that enclosed the area.

Graceful Lady was everything that her name denoted. She was a dark chestnut color and her coat had the luster of fine satin. There was a calm about her, as if she were waiting patiently for the foal, knowing too that she would be the mother of a new champion.

"She's beautiful," Sonny exclaimed as she

called to the animal. The small ears seemed to respond and Graceful Lady ambled over to the fence, nudging Sonny's shoulder with her nose. Sonny stroked her head and the large brown eyes that looked back at her seemed to recognize her touch.

Michael watched as Sonny gently caressed the animal, and he saw in her the kindness and instant rapport that had been so much a part of her father.

The horse immediately responded to her touch as though she were finding a long lost friend.

The sun was shining on the back of Sonny's golden hair and she turned to Michael, momentarily forgetting her battle with him. Her face was aglow with a broad smile that exposed prominent dimples. It was the look of a child who had found their heart's desire under the Christmas tree. Although he wanted to fight the impulse, Michael was greatly moved by her.

By noon, the morning's work had been completed and Michael asked Sonny to joint him for lunch, which she readily agreed to. They walked back to the O'Brien cottage. Sonny's steps were slow and Michael smiled inwardly as he watched her trying to hide her soreness. She was stubborn. But, he would be certain that she followed through with J.B.'s conditions.

After all, if she wanted Pinebrook she would have to fight for it. He had worked here for most of his life and he would not sit back and watch her give up everything her father and his father had worked for. No, Michael would see to it that Sonny learned what it meant to raise Thoroughbreds.

The inside of the cottage felt cool and comfortable and Sonny felt at home the moment she entered the small living room. The worn furniture looked lived-in and yet the place was immaculate. Katy's hand of course would answer for that. And Sonny knew that keeping house for two men must not be easy.

Michael motioned for her to sit on the couch and she gladly accepted, as her sore body eased itself into a comfortable position.

"I'll fix you one of my special sandwiches.

Just wait here." Michael disappeared into the kitchen, leaving her alone.

She lay her head back and closed her eyes.

Billy had told her that he worked here all day and still took a college course at night. How did he find the time, she wondered, and how did he move with such inexhaustible energy.

Sonny had watched the men working many times

from her bedroom window, and it always looked so much easier. Now that she had experienced the actual work, she wondered where her strength would come from.

Michael returned to the living room with a tray, which he sat on the table in front of him.

"You like roast beef?" he asked.

Sonny opened one eye, then raised her head slowly. "Anything sounds good right now."

"Oh, this isn't just anything. Wait till you taste." Michael handed her a thick sandwich on a hard roll, and watched her take her first bite.

Sonny didn't realize that she was eating so fast until she noticed Michael watching her with a curious look of mirth in his dark eyes.

"Hungry?" he asked, resting his arm on the back of the couch.

"A little," she answered sheepishly returning the last bit of her sandwich to the plate and wiping the corners of her mouth

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